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WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAMEsad fluffrequested by dizzystradlini hope you enjoy! i apologize fortaking so long, and i apologizeif it feels rushed!✟

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sad fluff
requested by dizzystradlin
i hope you enjoy! i apologize for
taking so long, and i apologize
if it feels rushed!

The crowd screamed their heads off as Guns N' Roses played their final song of the night. The shirtless and sweaty band stumbled backstage to get some much-needed rest and rehydration after such a chaotic and eventful night.

"My lungs are fucking killing me..." Axl practically wheezed as he headed towards his private dressing room. 

Duff groaned as he flopped down on the leather couch between Steven and Slash, who had already helped themselves to the liquor supply. Duff groaned again, realizing that he would have to get up if he too wanted a drink. He decided against it, as he had already gotten comfortable and getting up off of leather couches when you're sweaty was one of the most painful experiences known to man. He looked over at Slash, hoping he would be kind enough to share, and saw him chugging his Jack Daniels like it was water.

"Fuckin' hell man!" Duff snatched the bottle away from him. "You tryna make yourself sick or something? The hell is wrong with you?" He scolded and drank down the remaining whiskey.

"Calm down McKagan, it's nothing any of us haven't done before." Slash scoffed. He groaned as he lazy pulled himself off the leather couch, hissing as the material tugged at his sweaty skin.

"Grab me some vodka while you're back there, would ya?" Duff shouted.

Finally, in his hotel room, Duff stood out on his balcony and admired the magnificent view. The streets of New York were never silent, even at night, but Duff didn't mind one bit. After years of living in the city he'd gotten used to the street noise, he didn't think he could sleep without it. Suddenly, the room phone began to ring, and Duff excitedly ran towards it, believing it to be his beloved girlfriend, Y/N. Before he left, he made sure to give her the names of all the hotels he'd be staying at while on tour so that she could call him every night.

He picked up the receiver. "Hello?" He greeted in a whimsical tone.

"Duff?" That wasn't Y/N's voice, whoever it was, she was crying. "I-it's Elaine P-Pinciotti." That was the name of one of Y/N's friends. "S-s-something t-terrible has happened!"

"What? What's wrong? Why're ya calling?" His eyebrows slanted with concern for the weeping woman.

"Y/N a-and I were going out for dinner... A-and I was driving... And she-she didn't put her s-s-seatbelt on because i-it was a short drive and... Please forgive me Duff it was an accident! This guy came out of nowhere! I'm so sorry!" Elaine sobbed.

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