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GENTLEMEN PREFER Y/Nsmutrequested by Jhopespinkvibratorso sorry requests have been closedfor so long, but hopefully, they'llbe open again soon! thank youall so much for your patience,reads, votes and comments!but as usual i hope you enjoy andi apo...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

requested by Jhopespinkvibrator
so sorry requests have been closed
for so long, but hopefully, they'll
be open again soon! thank you
all so much for your patience,
reads, votes and comments!
but as usual i hope you enjoy and
i apologize if it's not the best!

Y/N couldn't recall a time when she had been more pissed than she was at that moment. She stood in the corner, watching as Duff happily bathed in all the attention the girls surrounding him gave him. It was disgusting. You'd think no one had ever even looked at the guy until now.

She angrily squeezed her red solo cup until it cracked and the Scarlett O'Hara cocktail she was sipping spilled out onto the floor. "Shit." She muttered under her breath. She made her way towards the kitchen to pour herself another drink, when she saw Axl leaning against the counter, talking to a blonde before quickly shooing the poor girl away. The blonde huffed as she walked past her and Y/N couldn't help but raise an amused brow. "Did you really grow bored of her so quickly?"

"What can I say? Whatever you got going on seems far more interesting to me than the mindless blabber that was coming out of her mouth." Axl chuckled. "Really though, what's on your mind, sugar? You seem upset."

"It's just Duff." She rolled her eyes and reached to grab a cup but Axl pushed her hand away as if to say "allow me". "He dragged me out to this party and yet he hasn't said a word to me the entire night."

"Yeah, that sounds like something he would do. A Scarlett O'Hara, right?"

Y/N nodded and continued as she watched Axl prepare the cocktail. "Sometimes I think the only reasons he takes me to all these little... Shindigs of his is because he wants a piece of arm candy to show off until he can find something better."

"You did not just say shindigs." He guffawed as he handed her the drink and grabbed another cup to make one for himself. "But I see your point. Try not to take it too harshly, sug. Duff's not a bad guy, he just doesn't always take the feelings of others seriously."

"I mean it's not like I expected him to fall head over heels in love with me or anything. I know our relationship isn't super serious, but it's not a matter of loyalty, it's just basic respect, you know? Just because someone brings home pizza doesn't mean you abandon the dinner you just made." Y/N stared at the red liquid as she traced her finger around the rim of the cup. Of course, she knew men were trash, but it still hurts when one you kind of care about doesn't seem to kind of care about you.

"Now don't you go selling yourself short. Just because some idiot has a craving for pizza, doesn't mean the sirloin steak isn't any good, if not far better than the pizza. In fact, I could go for a piece of steak right now." Axl not so subtly looked her up and down with a smirk on his handsome face. He'd always found Y/N very attractive from the first day that he met her, but in a different kind of way than usual. She was different from all the groupies he was used to, she still dressed quite scantily but there was a sophistication about her that he greatly admired. Unfortunately, Duff didn't seem to appreciate it, but Axl was more than happy to have his share of steak.

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