Chapter 51

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"Pro-Hero Endeavor is fighting against members from the Paranormal Liberation Front! We could identify them as the Villains Amazon, Icyhot and Dabi-"

The live-broadcast got cut off by a recording.

"I, Touya Todoroki, was born as the eldest son of Endeavor. I've killed over 30 innocent people until now. I would like to let everyone know why I'd end up committing such a hideous act. Endeavor has a long history of being power-hungry and in his despair of being unable to surpass All Might, he forcibly took on a wife in order to give birth to a child who would posses an even more powerful Quirk. I was created for my father's selfish dream. However I was a failure and was quickly abandoned, tossed aside and forgotten. But I never forgot. I watched your activities from afar. People like to think of their actions as free from guilt, but they're not. My fire that burned others is indeed, Endeavor's fire."

Dabi pulled out a test paper on which the camera zoomed in for a moment.

With some of Endeavor's blood left behind after his big fight in Kyushu, it came back with a 99,99% match. But who would believe in a medical document procured by a Villain of all people? You all would need a little more convincing than that. After bearing me, my father would force my mother to give birth to more off-springs and by the fourth, it worked!"

Todoroki joined Dabi on the screen, sitting down next to him on the couch the other was seated.

Some of you may know him as Icyhot or Shouto Todoroki. But even with his trophy son, my father would still get physical with him, I've seen it firsthand. Endeavor doesn't have any consideration or respect for others, he has a narrow self-righteous mentality mired in his self-image. Do you think that kind of human should me allowed to assume the role of a Hero? Let alone assume the position of No. 1? I present to you, No. 2 Hero, Hawks!"

When Dabi announced him, Hawks also entered on the screen and took place behind the couch, stoic expression staring into the camera.

"In order to infiltrate us as he had been ordered to do by the Hero Commission, he did something unspeakable. He killed another Hero, the poor No. 3 who was recuperating, Best Jeanist. Violence has become such a norm in his life that he did it without a second thought. It's quite similar to someone else actually. His father was a serial robber and murderer, in other words a Villain. The reason his record and real name are kept from the public is because of that exact reason. His father was caught by Endeavor."

Proof of Hawk's father's criminal record and arrestation were shown onto the screen.

"Both Hawks and I were taken in my the Japanese Hero Commission after being dumped by our fathers and were trained like animals in order to become the finest Heroes. I cannot forgive them! They're packaged and sold to you under the name of Justice when they don't even have an ounce of empathy! And on top of that, they call themselves 'Heroes'! They are deceiving all of you! Please think more critically! The only ones they protect are themselves! Everyone, you are just being used as tools to protect and enable these ugly people!"

The recorded video ended and the live-broadcast took over again. People could now see the fight happening between the father and his sons.

"The man obsessed by power got beaten by his own weapons."

Bakugou looked at Endeavor and then at Dabi and Todoroki who had combined their flames in order to roast Endeavor alive. Their eyes displaying nothing else besides hatred.

"Ironic isn't it? His Quirk was the most important thing to him, and now he's Quirkless."

The girl next to him lowered her fingers from his head and took a hold of his hand instead now that there was no need to act like he was taken hostage.

"We couldn't have done it without you Bakugou. Thank you."

Todoroki spoke once he came back to reality.

"Yeah, who knew our first kidnappee would turn out to be the one helping to take down our old man."

Dabi wrapped an arm around Todoroki's shoulders, a gesture which showed how he would stand by his brother's side and they would go through the coming hardships together.

"Took you guys long enough, I've been ready with preparations since forever."

"Sorry we had a lot of stuff to do, but thank you, Katsuki."

Bakugou scoffed but fell silent when the girl gave his hand a little tug to so he would bend down to her height and she could place a peck on his cheek.

"Can't argue against that now can you, Boom Boom Boy? C'mon let's give 'em some privacy, Sho."

Dabi said before he and Todoroki entered the warp created by Kurogiri, leaving Endeavor's roasted body to smoke on the ground.

"What about us? You're not leaving me again are you?"

Bakugou's hold on her hand became tighter, like a kid that didn't want his mother to leave.

"No of course not, I'm never leaving you again."

She gave him a warm smile which made him feel reassured and she could feel his thumb caressing over the back of her hand.

"Where we going then?"

Bakugou asked and to answer him she opened a warp just like Kurogiri would've done.

"Just think of where you want to go."

She told him while walking with him through it. After passing through the black-purple-ish smoke she was met with the familiar sight of her bedroom at the Paranormal Liberation Front hideout.

But before she could ask Bakugou why he brought them there, her question had been answered when his lips pressed against hers and he puller her body close to his own.

"I missed you, Shorty."

"I missed you too, Blasty."

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