Chapter 22

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Bakugou's wide red eyes stared back at her, his hand tightened around her shaking one.

Nomu are powerful monsters created from human corpses whose bodies were altered in order to hold multiple Quirks. The aforementioned human experiment ceases all higher brain function, leaving them with no will of their own, and making it so they require commands from a superior in order for them to act.

"You-you can't be."

"I jumped. I did it. Just like Deku! We switched! All For One somehow retrieved my body and made me into a Nomu! You're smart, think about it and it'll all make sense! All the weird things about me, how I know so much things I shouldn't be able to know, what the Villains just said! My whole existence in this world! I'm just an experiment."

Bakugou watched as the girl fell to her knees, his hold on her disappeared and she gripped her hair instead. He saw her unravel in front of him, her face that of pure shock and terror, her breathing quickening into hyperventilation.

His heart clenched and he internally screamed at himself to do something but he couldn't. Countless emotions created chaos inside of him and he couldn't make out which one to follow.

A huge air blast made them both snap towards the fight that had started between the two opposites. All Might versus All For One.

"We need to get out of here, we're in his way."

The blonde was surprised when the girl stood next to him now, her cheeks stained with the tears that had escaped which made him wonder what was going on inside her head as he was sure she wasn't saying everything out loud and he would probably never understand anyways.

"What's your plan? No. What will happen?"

He didn't want to believe it. The classmate he had eventually come to respect. Though he couldn't help but see some dots connect and question them, she'd always been more special than the other extra's.

"It's supposed to be Midoriya, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Iida and Kirishima."

Just when he was about to ask what she was talking about a huge ice ramp got created and tape visibly catapulted Sero, Iida and Kirishima who had broken through the wall, into the sky.


It had to be Kirishima to call out to him. A smirk appeared on his lips as the blonde came closer to the girl, his hand finding hers again and their teamwork caused them to agree on what to do without another word.

She pushed herself of the ground using One For All, pulling Bakugou up in the sky with her, leaving the Villain Alliance who'd try to catch them behind.

Once she started losing height, she threw the boy forward and he took over, making them go higher with his blasts, now he being the one pulling the other along, he only used one hand carefully so he wouldn't hit her.

"You idiots."

Bakugou's other hand clenched onto Kirishima's and she couldn't have been happier at the sight in front of her. It gave her hope that everything would be okay. Aizawa, All Might and the others would know what to do with her newfound information.

"Bakugou, on my signal, use your explosions."

"No, you follow me asshole!"

"This is not the time to be difficult."

While the boys bickered, the Villains tried to catch up to them when they realized what was going on.

"Mount Lady!"

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