Chapter 39

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---Meanwhile at the League of Villain's Hideout---

"The Meta Liberation Army?"

Toga questioned when Dabi explained the new threat they must face. Twice was starting to worry when he mentioned Giran might get captured by them and be endangered.

"Thanks to (Y/N) we already found the Doctor and she proved herself worthy, that's why he helped her transfer that child's Quirk and All For One's copy to her. I have yet to do so by defeating Gigantomachia and prove that I'm All For One's true successor."

Shigaraki said from his sitting position in the middle of what had remained of the League of Villains which was Toga, Dabi, Twice, Mr. Compress and Spinner. Kurogiri had been captured by the Heroes by now.

"Or just keep him busy till (Y/N) arrives and beats him for you!"

Toga said with a giggle, somewhere it was meant as a motivation but she also meant to tease the leader.

"Tomura, (Y/N) has proved to be on our side, she knows what will happen and used that knowledge to our advantage. Why do you still follow All For One so blindly?"

Mr. Compress tried to understand why Shigaraki didn't fully trust the girl.

"Yeah, I only joined the League because of Stain! So far (Y/N) has been the one who's trying to open up a world of change! She too believes in Stain's philosophy so I believe in her! What about you hah Shigaraki?!"

Spinner declared to be a fan of her unlike his leader.

"I love Stain! I also love (Y/N)!"

"I hate her! I love her too!"

Toga and Twice joined the fanclub as the first ever members.

"You are all getting manipulated by her, why can't you see that?"

Shigaraki scratched his neck in annoyance of his group's ignorance.

"She's not! (Y/N) understands me like no one else does! That's why I love her so much!"

Toga smiled widely while thinking about all the talks she'd had with the other girl.

"Yes, she's always been kind to us and never judged us for who we are! She's the worst!"

Twice confirmed Toga's statement. Clearly the two of them had gotten very fond of her since the beginning. They've always been outcasted by others but that wasn't the case with her.

"You're the only one who's truly being manipulated here, by All For One that is."

Spinner scoffed and nods came from the other members. Shigaraki could only sigh and think why the girl had made such an impact on them, him included but he'd been fighting that fact.

"See Shiggy, you need to choose who you're gonna side with because we've already made our choice."

Dabi chuckled before making his leave towards the destination the girl had told him before returning to U.A.. She had asked him to take care of this Meta Liberation Army as soon as possible so they wouldn't cause them trouble later on. And so he would do.


"Hey Shigaraki, are you busy?"

She knocked softly on the door of his room in the League's apartment. He watched her look up in surprise when he went to open the door himself.

"(Y/N), what do you want?"

"I wondered if we could talk."

He sighed and stepped aside to let her enter his room which just like the others didn't contain much besides a bed and a closet. He leaned against the wall and signed her to sit on his bed so he could keep an eye on her.

Shigaraki has been suspicious of her since All For One first introduced her as his experiment. Though because of his full trust on his Master he agreed to everything he ordered him to do. Even if that meant accepting the girl into his family.

She was too perfect. She knew them all almost better than they knew themselves. She understood them more than anyone else. It was too good to be true.

Shigaraki felt vulnerable whenever she was included. He didn't like the fact that she knew everything about him. It gave him this awkward feeling as if he was being watched all the time.

"What do you want to talk about?"

She was always so honest and genuine it disgusted him. It disgusted him because it made him feel good. He felt accepted for who he was and up until then, his Master was the only one who had done so.

"The League and All For One."

Shigaraki looked at her which went easier now that his view wasn't partly blocked by the hand on his face. He'd been wearing it less and less as he hadn't felt the need to do so.

He wondered if it was because she asked him why he wore them one day. He knew that she knew the answer so he didn't feel like confirming it and just ignored her. Though when he thought about it, he realized he didn't know the answer himself and she had asked him so he would think about it and come to that conclusion.

"Spinner and Mr. Compress will get fatally injured. Toga and Twice will die. You will die too as All For One plans on taking over your body once you inherit his Quirk."

He knew she wasn't lying. That's how it had really happened in the future she knew.

"That doesn't mean it will happen again."

Truth or not, he didn't want to accept that his Master would betray him like that.

"You want to bet on it?"

He could see she was getting impatient as she didn't want it to turn out like that. She clearly worried about the League just like he did. She had truly become part of their family and she intended on protecting it.

"Why would I believe you over Master?"

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