Chapter 11

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Matchups got decided by drawing lots

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Matchups got decided by drawing lots. After Ojirou and a few others dropped out and others got pulled in in their place, the matchups were made visible on the large screen.

"All right! The whole squad is up in finals! But I won't hesitate to kick all your asses!"

"Bring it on man! I'm totally hyped to show them a manly fight!"

"Damn my first fight is against a cute girl, I wonder if she'd still go out with me eventhough I'll beat her?"

"Stupido, you have to beat her first before worrying about that."

The girl chuckled at her friends comments but she unwillingly started to worry. The finalists were the same people but the matchups had changed. There was a possibility that not the same would win that won in the manga.

She tried to calm herself down and think of strategy for her first fight, but her eyes already wondered to the next names that she could be facing later on. Her insecurities were threatening to take over and she started feeling weak again.

It wasn't until she felt a hand on her shoulder that she snapped out of her thoughts. She realized her knuckles were turning white from the tight fists she was forming and quickly released her hold feeling the blood rush through her hands again.

"Hey Chica, are you okay?"

Sero's attention had shifted from Kaminari's remark to the girl next to the blonde. He noticed how she wasn't smiling as usual and it seemed like she was trembling slightly.

"Ah, yes, just a bit nervous that's all."

She waved it off like she always did when people asked her about her feelings and they usually left it at that because they had just asked out of politeness to begin with.

"Nah, something's bothering you, I can tell."

Mina came up besides her and wrapped her arms around her waist and placed her chin on her shoulder. A affectionate act to help her worrying friend out without forcing her to talk about it, which she had found out was more effective as the other liked cuddling.

Eventhough it hadn't been long since they knew each other, they had gotten close really quickly thanks to Mina's extraverted personality. Her friend refused to eat with them during lunchbreak as she rather used that time to catch up on school work or practice that she was behind on thanks to the dimension traveling and her past school being a total joke. Mina had persuaded her to at least hang out together after school, only with her mostly but sometimes also with the rest of the group.

Aizawa didn't mind, he was actually glad that she was getting along with her classmates and had successfully blending into their world. He'd only tell her not to do something stupid or come home too late, he knew she wouldn't anyways but his father instinct forced him to say it out loud. He was also glad that she did something else than studying and training or worrying about not being good enough to live there.

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