Chapter 21

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Todoroki watched in defeat as the so called Villain Dabi snatched the blue pearl that had imprisoned his classmate right in front of his eyes.

"So sad, Shouto Todoroki, can't save neither of your precious friends."

The black haired male smirked as he pulled back Bakugou who had now returned to normal through the black portal. The half-and-half boy didn't understand what he meant with 'neither of his friends' but when he turned to look in the direction Dabi had glanced at he noticed another classmate getting pulled through a similar portal by a black and grey masked figure.


He reached to grab her extended hand but it slipped away from him too as she disappeared along with all the other villains. Todoroki fell onto his knees in despair along with Kirishima, who blamed himself for not noticing the girl's presence earlier on, punched a nearby tree and had to be calmed down by Tsuyu who jumped when he cussed loudly into the sky.

"Damn it!"

Both 1-A and 1-B were utterly defeated, but it was harder on the classmates of the kidnapped ones who were currently in Yaoyorozu's hospital room in which she was recovering from her head injury. Her class decided to pay her a visit and wish her a swift recovery.

Though the class meant well, they couldn't hide the heavy atmosphere hanging in the air knowing they were missing two people. It was the red head that broke the awkward silence, his voice suddenly filling the room caught the class' attention.

"Todoroki and I were here yesterday too. And there we chanced upon a conversation with All Might, the police and Yaoyorozu."

"What is he going at Yaomomo?"

Jirou spoke up this time feeling the tenseness between the two when Kirishima looked at said girl who clenched the bedsheet. The creator-quirked sighed before hesitantly speaking up.

"Awase from class B and I teamed up and we were able to plant a transmitter on one of the villains. I gave them a device that tracks the signal from the transmitter that they could use for their investigation."

Everyone had an idea of what that meant but Iida was the one who said it out loud, his voice was rather judgmental and directed his scolding towards Kirishima.

"In other words, the tracking device, you mean Yaoyorozu could make us one? It's exactly as All Might said! This is a matter that should be left to the professionals! This is not a situation for students like us to be meddling, you idiot!"

"Damn it man, I know that already! Bit still, I couldn't do anything! Hearing that our friend was being targeted and I couldn't do anything about it! And then a second too without us even noticing! If I don't do something about it here, then I won't be able to call myself a Hero or a man!"

"Please calm down, Kirishima. Your determination is good and all, but this time..."

Kaminari whispered in panic placing a finger over his mouth reminding the red head that they were still in a hospital.

"Iida's right."

Tsuyu added but that didn't end the discussion, heating it instead as more voices chimed in. The classmates bickered over the pros and cons of a rescue mission, most of them disagreeing with the redheads.

"Kirishima and I will go no matter what you all think, we just need Yaoyorozu to make us a transmitter, whoever wants to join us is welcome tho."

"If you break the rules like that, then your actions are no different form those of the Villains."

"You're wrong, we're the Heroes that will save our friends."

Kirishima and Todoroki stood outside of the hospital, anxiously waiting for a certain girl's answer. Disappointment hit when she revealed she had decided to not be a part of the mission and would only give them the transmitter, before leaving swiftly.


A rather unfamiliar voice called out, only when they saw the purple hair and tired eyes they recognized who it belonged to.

"Shinsou? What are you doing here?"

"I messaged him. He's a friend of (Y/N) too so I thought he should be informed about what's happening."

Kaminari spoke placing his hand on the taller male's shoulder besides him and pointing his other thumb at him with a smirk, happy that another had joined them.

"As much as we would like to come, we know we probably wouldn't be of much use, so Denki and I will be staying here and cover you guys up if the teachers ask anything."

"Shinsou and I will be joining you tho."

Mina pouted, wanting to go save her friend too but she knew she would probably just be in the way if she came along, instead she made it a resolution to train harder so she's be no heavy weight to the team in the future.

"Stop. Why of all people, you guys?"

Iida now joined the group, making his presence known as he passed Sero so he could face the main two organizers. He was still trying to hold them back and make them realize that it was a bad idea.

But when Todoroki explained that they weren't planning to confront and attack them head on, instead going to rescue them without combat, he fell silent. Kirishima spoke up again.

"This is a convert operation! A way for us to fight, without breaking the rules!"

"I don't care if I have to break the rules or anyone's face for that matter."

Shinsou scoffed under his breath from the side, earning a nudge from Mina's elbow so he wouldn't anger their Class Representative even more.

"A parallel huh? In that case, take me with you."

History set in motion.


---At the League of Villains' Hideout---

"It may be sudden but, aspiring Heroes, Katsuki Bakugou, (Y/N) Aizawa, won't you become one of my comrades?"

"Spare me your shit and die."

"No thanks."

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