Chapter 25

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---League of Villains' Hideout---

"She's so pretty, isn't she?"

"She's ugly! Very beautiful!"

Distinct voices entered the darkness she'd been residing in before. There was a lot of echo so it was hard to distinguish who they belonged to. But she was sure they weren't those of her friends. She'd lost them when she fell into the flames, that much she knew but not more.

"Didn't you already have a crush?"

"Doesn't mean I can't have more, but Izuku is my number one,... for now."

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not going to burn her more without a reason to."

The voices were drifting away and she didn't understand what they were saying anymore. Everything became even blurrier than before and she felt her consciousness slip from her body again. She was grateful when she felt something cold press against her cheek, enough to help her get in touch with reality.

"C'mon Shiggy, let me cut her, she'll become even prettier!"

"No one's touching her, Master's orders."

It took her some effort but she managed to open her eyes, meeting the two gold ones who widened in surprise. The cold thing against her cheek left and she could see now that it had been a knife. Somehow her body was relaxed though even when knowing that, no panic or worry went through her and she wondered if she'd been drugged.

"Thanks, you're pretty too, Toga."

"Ah, you really think so?!"

The blonde girl blushed and her eyes seemed to sparkle at the compliment.

"You're finally awake."

Shigaraki's voice interrupted the moment the girls were having, pulling their attention towards him.

Having regained her consciousness, she was now aware that she was bound to a chair in what looked a big garage with boxes here and there on which some members were seated.

She eyed each one of them, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Magne, Toga, Twice, Kurogiri, Dabi and Shigaraki. A sigh of relief left her lips and she didn't know whether it was because everyone was still alive or because All For One wasn't there.

"Why am I here?"

Her voice was raspy and her throat hurt from the dryness. She was thankful when Toga placed a water bottle against her lips for her to drink.

"Because Master wanted it. Haven't you figured it out yet?"

Shigaraki scratched his neck in annoyance as he seemed to get ready to explain the whole ordeal. Most members were scattered around listening in, like Twice who was leaning against the wall besides her as if to guard her and Toga who sat cross legged next to her. Dabi on the other hand couldn't care less as he was positioned furthest away from her.

"I'm a Nomu."

The thing that had bothered her so much when she found out the first time didn't seem to do her anything now as it easily slipped from her lips. She somehow wasn't bothered by it anymore, she wasn't afraid of the Villains in front of her.

She knew who they were, she knew what they were capable off, she knew they were evil. Though she couldn't care less, because somewhere she'd always have understood them and somehow trusted them eventhough she shouldn't.

"So you know now. You know how Master saved your suicidal ass and how he granted you powers. You should be grateful he deemed you worthy."

The man covered by hands spat, and the way he said it seemed almost jealous.

"Sure I am thankful that he gave me a new opportunity at a better life. But that doesn't mean I agree with his morals and ideals. He's just a psychopath to me and I will not bow down to his will."

This sudden confidence came from no where and scared her even as she was not used to speaking up like this.

"How dare you bad mouth him like that?!"

He was getting angry and Kurogiri had to step in to calm him down.

"Though you say that, I know that you don't fully disagree with us either, remember the talk we had? Why don't you just join us?"

Shigaraki asked her to join the League of Villains.

"Why would I? What good am I to you anyways?"

"You know damn well how useful you are to us. And you wouldn't want anything to happen to your friends would you? Toga how's your collection?"

The girl looked up from the ground, exited that someone asked about her Quirk.

"Oh oh! I got some of Ochako's blood, Camie's, and accidentally some of that invisible girl's too so I guess that's useful as well though I don't know if she's cute."

She innocently counted on her fingers, though she knew all too well how that was blackmailing the other girl. If Toga was able to transform into any of her classmates, it wouldn't take long for her to infiltrate and kill them all.

"Fine, I'll join the League."

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