Chapter 8

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"Get the hell outta here Shorty!"

An explosion made her jump up and tighten her grip on Aizawa who was slumped over her shoulder. Bakugou had send off an explosion in order to cover her from the Villains surrounding her so she could leave safety with the unconscious teacher.

As she made a run for it using Full Cowl, Bakugou attacked Kurogiri who had been helping the Nomu in its fight against All Might and he successfully captured his body. She passed Kirishima who tried to cut Shigaraki with his hardened hand but the male was able to dodge. From the corner of her eye she saw ice spread over the ground and capture the Nomu who's body was already half stuck into the ground, giving All Might the chance to break free.

Luckily Shoji and Asui were close by and the octopus armed boy took the teacher of her shoulders. Her body had started aching but she ignored it and made her way back to the fighting scene as fast as possible.

As she arrived she saw how the Nomu had attacked towards Bakugou per Shigaraki's order so they could free Kurogiri, but All Might had been able to take the hit instead and save the ash blonde. After that the Pro-Hero continued to beat the giant beast with 300 punches, making him fly out the building with his last one.

"You cheated!"

Shigaraki seemed like he was about to throw a tantrum as the battle had turned into a stand off. The students could see All Might still standing strong while the dust started clearing from the side. But the girl could see through his treats to the Villain that he was bluffing, the Nomu had taken too much out of him.

The blue haired man was scratching himself furiously while discussing his next move with his smokey right hand. It didn't take them too long to decide till they both headed towards the Hero who was struggling to keep his form.

"This is revenge for Nomu!"

The boys were slowly leaving to give their teacher the needed space to fight but they froze in their place when the girl left their side and speedily appeared in front of All Might. Her fist pulled up to her side and they could see the colored lighting like lines appear around her as she build up her power.


A hand appeared through Kurogiri's body but it wasn't too hard to dodge as she had anticipated it and continued her strike towards his body, successfully blowing it away along with the other male.

As the both tried to recover from the unexpected power she took her own stance in from of All Might who was just as surprised. Her hand now reaching out straight in front of her, ready to flick her finger and pierce Shigaraki with her air bullets. The male was about to jump forward but he got held back by the dark shadow figure.

"Tomura, we're not allowed to kill her."

"I know, Master will get mad. Kurogiri, let's go before I actually kill her."

It was so silent she could barely hear it, thankful for the fact that the others wouldn't have heard it either because it would raise a lot of suspicion and she wanted to figure it out herself first.

He didn't take any longer to step back into the black mist which swirled until it fully dissolved into thin air. Only Shigaraki's last words seemed to still weight on them, his raspy voice echoed for a second longer.

"I may have failed here, Symbol of Peace. But the next time we meet, you're dead, All Might."


She fell on her knees as soon as she confirmed they were indeed gone and the adrenaline left her body. That last attack had taken much more energy than she thought.


It was only one voice that called out this time, it repeated as the redhead got closer.

"Kiri, they are gone right?"

He helped her up by her non dominant hand as the other was visibly starting to bruise, probably because she used to much of her strength. Indeed she had used a larger percentage of One For All than she could handle at the moment and although she was a high level already, she still felt frustrated and weak at the though that she couldn't handle the power yet.

"Yeah, you kicked their ass, no way they'd dare to fight you after that!"

Kirishima's happy cheer rang in her ear, though there was worry laying underneath. He had one hand holding the arm that she had around his neck and the other supporting her around her waist. She could feel the faint heartbeat on his chest with that hand and a smile slipped on her lips when she felt how fast it was beating.


"President of Class 1-A, Tenya Iida! Reporting for Duty!"

The loud voice made them all look up to the Heroes standing on the platform. They missed Shigaraki but were at least able to handle the minor criminals that were still around.

Knowing that everyone was safe now she felt her shoulders slowly getting lighter. Her head suddenly felt heavy and she was grateful for her friends' shoulder that caught it up.

"My my, luckily there are no other students injured. Poor Thirteen had to go to the hospital though."

Recovery Girl complained after finishing up the last bandages on All Might and cleaning her office from her utensils.

The younger girl had been staring up at the ceiling until the other male at her side called for her attention.

"What are you thinking Kiddo?"

She looked over at Aizawa who had his elbow in a casket and a lot of bandages on his face. Matching with her bandaged arm and bandaged face and head.

"They knew about me and they had orders not to kill me."

Her voice was monotone as if she was making a plain statement, but they knew she was worrying sick on the inside. Neither of the Heroes next to her couldn't answer why they knew and they had been wondering that too since they heard the Villains recognized her.

"If you hadn't jumped into the fight they wouldn't have seen you."

She knew that his remark was simply one of a worried father but she couldn't help but feel her blood boil.

"You could've died. All Might too. And the other teachers came much later than they were supposed to."

"Young (Y/N), everything went fine so you shouldn't beat yourself up with 'what if's."

"Your time shortened and you're temporarily partially blind, aren't you?"

The girl's voice was still emotionless but it still sounded like she was glass on the verge of shattering. Both males' were shut up, she was right so there was no point in denying it. Aizawa tried to think of something to say that would cheer her up at least a bit or take her mind of the oncertainty and confusion surrounding the Villain attack.

"U.A.'s Sports Festival is approaching."

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