Chapter 44

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Hawks held her securely in his arms as they flew high above the waves, away from the prison, away from the guards and away from Aizawa.

He had refused to let go of her when she told him she could fly on her own, knowing how exhausted she must be.

Instead of arguing she decided to agree with him and just take a rest in his arms while he flew through the sky.

Just like Hawks had mentioned before, this situation reminded her too of the ones that had happened before.


Of the day when she had decided to test her flying powers for the first time.

She stood high above the ground, cars racing underneath her feet as she looked down from the skyscraper she had gotten on the rooftop of.

It felt like a déjà-vu. As if the same thing had happened before. That's when memories of her past life traveled through her mind again. The past in which she had deliberately chosen to step out of her life by stepping of the building.

She took a deep breath before turning around and letting the weight of her body pull her backwards into nothingness. The wind whistled in her ears as she fell down and the tense feeling she had before disappeared. She felt more relaxed than ever, peaceful even.

All thoughts left her head, all her worries dissolved into the air surrounding her. Everything seemed in slow motion as a sigh of relief left her lips before they curled up in a smile.

"You gotta stop doing this, Kid."

She opened her eyes she just now realized that were closed and looked straight into a pair of golden ones.

It shocked her so much that Nana's Quirk activated and she stopped falling, causing her to float mid air. The Pro-Hero who didn't expect that to happen ended up bumping against her as he fad been flying just above her.

The collision caused her to loose her hold on the Quirk and her arms automatically reached to grab a hold of the Winged Hero in front of her who was also trying to regain his composure.

Of course he noticed her discomfort and quickly held onto her bridal style and spread his wings to stop them from falling any further down, already being too close to the ground for his comfort.

With a swift movement from his wings, he flew them up higher and felt how the girl's grip around his neck got tighter but when he looked at her she didn't seem scared at all, only surprise was visible on her features.

"What was that just now?"

The male asked her, as surprised as she was but for another reason and that being the fact that she had stopped falling somehow.

"What are you doing here?"

"Dabi asked me to come and get you."

Now it was the turn of confusion to take over her thoughts while Hawks flew up to the rooftop of another building so they could talk more comfortably as he knew they had a lot to explain.

She thanked him when he finally let her down and made sure to hold onto her until she had found her footing again.

"Dabi? You work with the League?"

Hawks chuckled when he noticed the way she was setting up her act. Thanks to the training he received from the Hero Commission he had mastered acting as well as the deduction of it. He had to admit that the girl was doing a really good job at it though, knowing she was probably self taught.

"Truth is, I've known Dabi a.k.a. Touya since our days back at the Hero Commission, where we planned to follow Stain. He sided with the Villains, I sided with the Heroes, we've been working together all along. For safety reasons I couldn't reveal myself to you earlier and Dabi had to stay quiet too, forgive me."

She dropped the act once Hawks mentioned Dabi's real name. This was another major change as Hawks' intentions weren't the same ones as she knew anymore.

"I've been the League's spy far before you were, Kid. I was ordered by All For One to make sure you were safe when you were teleported, hence the fact that I couldn't reveal my identity to you or the Heroes might have been able to connect the dots."

She took in the new information that added in more pieces of the puzzle. She wanted to believe that Hawks truly sided with the League, yet she couldn't help but feel suspicious.

"You don't trust me do you?"

She knew she couldn't lie, not to him, he'd see right through her. So she nodded and admitted to what he said.

"It's just difficult, because I know you, I know Keigo Takami."

Something in him changed when he heard the name leave her lips, no one called him that because no one knew, except for Dabi but even he didn't call him by the name.

The man now understood how his friend must've felt when she had called him Touya. He tried to ignore the weird shiver that went through his wings and focused on the conversation.

"Why don't you trust me then?"

"Because the you I know, infiltrated the League as the Hero's spy. I know you're much better at this kind of acting than I am, so you could be lying and I would have no idea. No offense, I really admire you."

Hawks put his hand on the back of his head and ruffled his hair in thought. He didn't blame her for doubting her because he understood where she was coming from. Though he had no idea how to convince her of his loyalty.

"Listen Kid, I don't know how to convince you so I'll just leave that up to Dabi. I can however show you with my actions what my true intentions are, so just trust me for now."

Somehow, that was enough. They had this mutual understanding which didn't need more explanation. Her mind was getting overheated by all the thoughts and questions running through it, so she decided to simply follow her guts.

"Okay, I'll trust you Keigo, for now."

Hawks nodded in understanding, he too feeling the weird connection they had and the way they related to each other.

No matter how much she might've admired him before in that other world of hers, she lived in this one now and she wouldn't allow anyone to put her loved ones in danger. 

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