Chapter 50

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"Who are you?"

"Your new intern!?"

Bakugou gritted his teeth at Endeavor's ignorant behavior and he had to hold back from beating the man to a pulp. The only reason that he didn't do it was because he knew that he didn't stand a chance against the Pro-Hero yet.

"Ah right, I was just going out on patrol. Follow me."

Without another word, the Hero left the building with a fuming Bakugou following behind him.

Before he knew it, a week had already passed and the blonde had been following Endeavor on patrols or doing meaningless talks, much like (Y/N) and Todoroki had done before.

Today was going to become different though, Bakugou realized that when he noticed Endeavors flame beard flicker off for a slight moment before it appeared again.

"Calling out all available Pro-Heroes! There's been an Villain attack at U.A.! Blue flames have engulfed the main building! We suspect it's Dabi from the The Paranormal Liberation Front! We can't get a hold of the teachers!"

Endeavor stopped on the side walk in order to listen to what got said on his intercom before turning to Bakugou and telling him to continue the patrol on his own as he would go help out at U.A..

"There's no need for that Enji Todoroki."

Blue flames erupted in the middle of the street, ushering all the surrounding people to clear the area.


Endeavor called out when the former League member appeared in front of him.

"Awe don't be that way... Why must you call me by my Villain moniker, when I have such a respectable name... which is Touya!"

Endeavor froze in place at the sound of that name. His heart felt like it got stuck in his throat when he took sight of the people in front of him.

"Sure, my face may have ended up like this, but I had hoped that my own family at least would recognize me... Well at least my lovely little brother did. Isn't that right Shouto?"

Some of Dabi's flames dimmed down and revealed the presence of (Y/N) and his younger brother.

"Let's help you out a bit, shall we?"

Dabi taunted Endeavor as the girl put her hands on the brother's shoulders and let their father watch as she rewinded them so their scars would disappear and their white hair would fully come through.

"How exhilarating! Your disgraceful fall as a Hero has begun! Ever since that day, the only think I could think about was thinking of ways I could maximize the destruction of your career. Did you know that I used to go to Natsu every day, asking him in tears why I existed? At first, my plan was to wait until your little doll Shouto had gotten all big an famous, then I'd kill Shouto! But in an absurdly convenient turn of events, Shouto joined me and you finally became No. 1! I couldn't stand watching you wallow yourself in your dream like that! You wouldn't even die in Kyusuhu either! My heart sank! I even spent 'the Emperor or Fallen Light' and 'Ending' to you and you still survived like the cockroach you are! That No. 1 title you've always wanted is a lot of pressure huh?! Has your heart been purified with all that praise from the public? Does your newfound vigor as a father figure to your children make you feel as though you're developing a 'familial bond' with them?! You seriously thought that if you kept your eyes forward towards the future the past would just forget itself, didn't you?! It's time for someone to give you a little life lesson! The past never forgets! What a 'you reap what you sow' moment! Let us fall together, Enji Todoroki! Come dance with your sons in hell!"

Both Todoroki and Dabi had determined looks on their face, ready to take down their father once and for all.

The girl that stood in between them used teleportation to appear behind Bakugou and hold him at gunpoint with her One For All loaded fingers.


"Shh, just enjoy the show, Blasty."

She had a smirk playing on her lips and her whisper send a shiver down his spine, his ears started burning when he felt her hot breath hit on it.

"Touya is dead. This is an unforgivable lie."

Endeavor was in denial of this shocking reveal, his feat were stuck to the ground too heavy for him to lift up and attack the Villains that were his sons.

"I'm alive and kicking, it's an unforgivable truth father! So sad that you never bothered to invite me to your Fire Quirk-invested Agency! I finally got mom's Quirk now too, so am I good enough for you yet?! You can swab me or take some blood samples as souvenir if you don't believe me. Go run a DNA test, though my own test results are already being publicized as we speak."

The Pro-Hero was shaking in his boots, eyes wide, staring at his sons in disbelief.

"Thanks for hanging in there until now, Endeavor!"

Endeavor could only watch Dabi and Shouto rage towards himself, both surrounded by flames that would soon come to burn him to ashes. He heard a finger snapping from behind him and with that his own flames disappeared.

That's when he remembered the feint second his flames had gone out before. However, this time he couldn't lit them back up. He could not create any flames whatsoever.

His flames were gone, his power had been stolen from him.

Behind his sons he could see the thief, currently holding his intern hostage so that other Pro-Heroes couldn't enter the scene.

She had probably gained the ability to steal Quirks when she killed All For One and had now also stolen his own Hellfire. Somehow she'd gotten his wife's Ice Quirk too and gave it to Dabi so he had become just like Shouto, meaning both of them had the perfect Quirk combination now.

A helicopter flew above them, broadcasting what was happening underneath it.

The whole world would witness how the No. 1, Pro-Hero, Endeavor would be brought down to his end by his own creations.

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