Chapter 3

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Aizawa called sternly as his scarf retreated to himself. Breathlessly the girl stood up, her hands shacking when she readjusted her own scarf around her neck. The teacher didn't give her a chance to rest up as he attacked her again, her reaction time had gotten slower but effective nonetheless, well as effective it could be knowing Aizawa's professional fighting skills.

It went on for a little longer until Aizawa told her they were done for the day ignoring her protests as she wanted to continue even though every muscle in her body was screaming at her to stop. She had never felt this motivated in her life so she wanted to give it her all and not disappoint Aizawa whom she had convinced to train her.

Aizawa's house was located just outside of the city, because of that his backyard lead to the woods which provided them of lots of training space. The house was a modest villa with living areas on the first floor and bedrooms on the second, the basement served as an indoor training and gym hall. Luckily there were two bathrooms so they could both shower at the same time and later on eat together.

When having finished her shower and went to dry her hair, she passed in front of the mirror and it surprised her whenever it happened. She had been training for seven months now and not only with Aizawa but also with other U.A. teachers. Each of them learning her diverse things about fighting or just school subjects she needed to catch up on.

The amount of exercise she had received was now visible on her body too which had become much more athletic and muscular. She was determined to give it her all and do all she could to enter the school of her teachers.

Aizawa had come up with a cover-up story to explain her situation. This being that the Villain attack in which she got involved caused her trauma and memory loss. Resulting in her forgetting all her knowledge, training and even her quirk. He had been the one to save her and decided to take her in as no relatives came forward to help her out. It was a rather questionable story but they decided not to doubt the man as they knew he was more of a mysterious type.

"Aizawa, what would you like to eat?"

Besides her training she had also learned a fair amount of cooking as Aizawa lived on his own and sometimes came home late from work. She was making her way to the kitchen when she called out because she had heard some sounds coming from the living room and assumed it was the male.

"Happy Birthday (Y/N)!"

Confetti and balloons flew everywhere making the girl jump and unwillingly let out a shriek of surprise. She was still trying to figure out what was happening but Midnight had already engulfed her in a bear hug, Present Mic was loudly singing and All Might was next to him holding onto boxes and bags of presents.

"Happy Birthday Kiddo."

Aizawa appeared besides her with a candled cake, she could see annoyance in his eyes towards his colleagues for their loudness but it changed into a caring gaze when focused on the girl in front of him. He would never have expected this whole ordeal to change into the teacher-student relationship they had formed, sometimes it even felt like a father-daughter one. 

They had been living together for more than half a year and she respected him as a teacher and Hero but also acknowledged him as a father figure. She had unconsciously called him 'dad' a few times before too, at first it resulted into an awkward apology and an uncomfortable response, but lately when it happens it almost goes unnoticed.

She found it absolutely adorable how obvious it was who the gifts were from when they asked her to guess it as a game. Headphones, a speaker and a leather jacket came from the one and only Present Mic. Midnight gifted her a rather elegant cocktail dress for 'a special occasion', make up and accessories. School supplies which were also subtle merchandise of the four of them was gifted by All Might. She was more than grateful for the surprise party and the gifts. She didn't remember having this much fun on her birthday and feeling this much at home.

"Young (Y/N), I'm very sorry to say but I'll have to leave early."

All Might excused himself, his hands clasped together apologetically. She waved him off and thanked him again for coming and his gifts. She got up and proposed to walk with him to the door and send him off.

"Thank you for showing me out Young (Y/N)!"

"Uhm, actually I wanted to talk to you in private All Might."

The man excused himself saying he'd like to chat but he didn't have time so the girl was obligated to tell him she knew about his condition and also explain how she knew. She had already discussed with Aizawa how she wanted All Might to know too and he agreed, now two people knew the whole truth. Understandably he was confused at first as it is a lot to take in but he recovered quickly and changed into his smaller form.

"I've just noticed how your timespan is getting shorter and I'm really thankful for your help training me but I think you should just focus on Midoriya's training instead of mine, his is much more important-"


The way the blonde had asked that made her smile disappear and instead she felt her heart sink. Why did he repeat the name as if he didn't know it? The worry that she thought was unneeded surfaced. Stumbling over her words, she managed to explain who the green haired boy was.

"Ah I remember now! He followed me after I had defeated that Villain the first time. He's quite the fanboy and asked if he could become a Hero without a quirk. I told him it wasn't wrong to dream but that he should be realistic. When I went to save the explosive boy from the Villain again I did notice him in the distance but I don't think he came closer after that. I haven't seen him since."

"What?! That's not-!"

The girl had started to panic after hearing All Might's explanation. If Midoriya wouldn't get One For All, then the whole story would change. She had no idea what would happen if Mirio received it instead. Or what if Midoriya became a Villain instead?

"I think the story you know is not the one we actually live in."

Aizawa's voice interrupted her as he walked up next to her. He must've come out when noticing how long she was gone for. Earlier she could hear Midnight and Present Mic laughing loudly inside but by now they were passed out drunk on the couch.

"You may know what happened in the past, or what may happen in the future. But obviously you haven't been teleported to the end of the story that you know. You're in the start of it. But it is our present, meaning that the future you know is a made up one by that Horikoshi's assumptions. You should live your own life now."

It was confusing to think about it but the teacher's observations did make sense. It took her a moment to convince herself that everything would be fine. But when she saw the way Aizawa was looking at her, she was sure that she'd be safe no matter what.

"Aizawa my man, that's some good reasoning you got there. Actually (Y/N), I've thought about it for a while, I've been watching you carefully during your training sessions and I've noticed how much you've grown since the first time I saw you. Look I even got a picture to prove it! Anyhow, I don't think anyone would be more suited to become my successor and carry One For All than you."

The girl was speechless when the last sentence reached her ears. She, being the one continuing the legacy of One For All? Her insecurities started taking over and she was ready to protest and suggest he should rethink his decision. Though when she noticed the look Aizawa was giving her from the side, proud and full of trust, a feeling of determination replaced the negative ones.

"I'd be more than honored."

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