Chapter 37

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"You're still up Blasty? Ain't it way past your bedtime?"

She was making her way to her own room after talking to Todoroki but was surprised to bump against Bakugou in the hallway.

"What were you doing in that Bastard's room?"

He ignored her teasing as he wasn't in the mood to play around and that was clear in the serious glare that was fixated on the girl.

"Why are you jealous?"

She couldn't help but try to lift up the mood of the suffocating atmosphere surrounding her.

"Stop fucking around (Y/N)!"

Yes. Yes he was jealous. But the feeling of betrayal was stronger.

"Shh! It's the middle of the night! Don't be so loud!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes and took a hold of her wrist, pulling her along to his room so she wouldn't have an excuse to not talk anymore. It was a bit further from where they were but she didn't complain and obediently followed him.

"Now tell me."

He didn't mean to throw her inside as harshly as he did but didn't show his regret and closed the door before eyeing her down.

"Icyhot's a friend of mine too ya know, he wanted to catch up on things too. And he just needed someone to talk to after seeing his dad today. I'm his closest friend so I need to be there for him when he needs me-"

"But what if I'm the one that needs you?"

Her words got stuck in her throat when the blonde cut her off. He wasn't looking at her but at the ground, his bangs covering his eyes, his fists clenched and shaking slightly.

"Then I'll be there for you too. I'll always be there for you."

There was no reaction from him.

"Y'know, I wanted to talk to you in private too. But it seemed like you were avoiding me after that game of Spin The Bottle the evening of my return, and I didn't want to be a bother."

He looked up with a frown, he hadn't been avoiding her but he'd been so awkward with himself he didn't know how to talk to her after that.

"Damn, is kissing me that bad?"

She tried to laugh it off but it did hurt her in the guts. Though her lips laughed, her eyes didn't and Bakugou didn't miss that. He even seemed to forget about what he was mad about before and jealousy took over.

"And here I was thinking we had something going on."

She tried to pull it off as a playful joke and move away but the male moved forward on instinct. With a swift motion she was now trapped between the wall, his hands against it and his body in front of her. How cliché.

"Stop playing with me Baku-"

"I didn't want to kiss you for the first time because of a game."

His red eyes stared into hers, blind to anything that wasn't her. A tornado of emotions created chaos inside of him.

"But when Kaminari kissed you instead, I wanted to come back and rip his fucking head off."

She had no idea what kind of expression she had, must've been something in between confusion, anxiousness and relief.

"And when that bastard Todoroki hugged you, I was ready to burn him alive."

She didn't intervene and let him release everything he wanted out of his system.

"I know I have no right to be jealous of them though, because you make your own choices and I have no say in who you do what with. Yet I can't help but hate the fact that I'm not the one you're the closest with."

He lowered his gaze but didn't move away.

"I couldn't live with myself knowing I escaped and you didn't. I was going crazy every second that went by and I didn't know whether you were safe or getting harmed by those assholes. The teachers kept a close eye on me so I wouldn't run off on my own, but I just couldn't stand watching them do nothing while you were in danger. I had a whole fucking month to realize how much you had become to me. Not a moment went by that I wasn't thinking of you."

He raised his head to look at her again and prove his words but he didn't get the chance to when her soft lips shut him up. A gentle peck was left on his lingering lips as she pulled back to look at his surprised eyes.

"People think you're crude, arrogant, short-tempered, and aggressive and although there's some truth to that, it's not all you are. Though you never admit it outright because of your pride, you do realize your mistakes, shortcomings or faults and you self-reflect alone and in silence. You even have a vulnerable side and that's been proven by your tears whether it being because of your hurt pride, fear or regret. Since childhood you've been pressured into being the best. You were popular, smart and had a strong Quirk. All Might inspired you to continue on the same path and become a Hero. But now you're blaming yourself for his retirement and my kidnapping. You've come a long way and have had a major character development and I'm very proud of you."

"What are getting at?"

Annoyance was audible in his voice and it made her chuckle as she couldn't make out if it was because of what she was saying or because she left him hanging with a little peck.

"What I'm trying to say is that, I know you Blasty. You don't have to put on a fake mask or pull your walls up when you're with me. You don't have to push yourself to become someone you're not either. I'd like you to be as real with me as I'm being with you."

She took a moment to look into his eyes so he could see for himself that she was being totally honest. He could ask her whatever he wanted and she's truthfully answer. Even if he didn't ask her anything, she would still eventually tell him.

"I've liked you, Katsuki Bakugou, ever since I've known you."

Bakugou kissed her as soon as the words left her lips. This time, it wasn't just a peck, it was far from that innocent. His hands lowered from the wall to her hips to which his own were pressed against. Hers were around his neck and in his hair, pulling him closer to her which he didn't plan on not doing anyways. She got intoxicated by the familiar caramel scent.

She was his first. He was the first that felt so right to her.

They got lost in each other. Forgetting about everything and anything else. As if they were the only ones existing on earth. It was just like the way it got described in fantasies.

Though this fantasy was soon to be pulled back to reality once they remembered that a Villain and a Hero aren't meant to be.

Don't mistake them for Romeo and Juliet though because they didn't betray each other in Shakespeare's story.

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