Chapter 33

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FLASHBACK (before Chapter 31)

"Ready to be the double spy?"

"Doubting me?"

"Should I?"

"I've never lied to you, it's your choice whether you believe that or not."

Dabi leaned his head to the side before turning to look at her with his piercing cold aquamarine eyes.

"I'd like that to be true."

"Then trust me."

"I trust you."

And he really did. The two had no secrets for each other. There were only a handful of people she didn't lie to and he was one of them.

"Good, now unlock the door."

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?"

He leaned his head against his seat and looked at her with a smug smirk, he would've bitten his lip too if it weren't burnt and risk ripping if he did.

"Fuck you."

He chuckled at her sassy remark, deciding to leave it at that as she wouldn't give him what he wanted, he sat up and unlocked her door so she could exit.

"Say hi to lil' bro for me."

"Will do, right after I invite him to join us in a threesome."

"Ask Natsuo too so you'll have all the Todoroki sons."

A facepalm was all he got for an answer before she unlocked the door to exit the car that was parked in an alley not too far away from U.A. High School.

"Bye Dabi!"

She meant to interrupt his nasty ideas that were meant to tease her by straight up saying her goodbye and got out of the car. When he replied in a singsong manner and a wave she couldn't help but smile at the Villain's silly behavior that was very much out of character.



Eri pointed when she noticed her walked up towards the school where the little girl was waiting together with Aizawa and Shinsou. The teacher was carrying the girl in his arms so she could have a better view of her surroundings.

She had brought Eri to Aizawa a week before her own return so she could get a mental and physical check up at the hospital first before attending the Festival. This had given the little girl plenty of time to get to know the two men that her Hero promised she could trust.

Thankfully no one noticed the missing horn that had been on the child's forehead before. Eri had been told to say that Overhaul had drained her from her Quirk in order to keep the truth a secret.

The League had agreed to let her go with Eri as that would give the Heroes even more reason to believe in the whole spy ordeal. Only Aizawa, Shinsou and Sir Nighteye knew of the 'double' game she was presumably playing. Everyone else would get told that the two girls had escaped together.

"Ah I can finally hug you now! I've missed you so much!"

She sprinted the last part and attacked the purple haired male in a hug which he returned after regaining his balance and the air in his lungs after she had knocked it out of them.

"I've missed you too, (Y/N), a whole fucking lot."

Shinsou's soft voice sounded deep in her ear and she laughed when he lifted her up with his arms around her waist because she was standing on her tip toes to reach him before.


Aizawa reminded, he had set Eri down, to prepare for the incoming hug, and had put his hands over the girls ears who was confusedly looking around.

"Sorry, Dad."

Both teens said at the same time, half serious – half joking. Shinsou let her down and as expected she went to hug the other man, her arms tightly around his middle as he was far too tall. She felt him let out a sigh of relief as he hugged her back, pulling away to pat her on the head in a doting manner.

"I'm proud of you, Kiddo."

And he really was. The girl from another universe that randomly appeared in his life and became his student and then his daughter. He couldn't have been more proud. Of course he was worried too and hated the fact that he was letting her do this alone eventhough he knew she could handle it. He just wished there was a way to ease her burden and that he could help her with it.

"Our performance will start soon, you want to see that right?"

Shinsou asked after catching a glimpse of his watch when he carried Eri up on his shoulders because he noticed how she tried to look around again curiously, but couldn't because of her short height.

"Yeah- wait did you just say 'our'?"

"Shinsou has officially been accepted to join the Hero Course and was allowed to join Class 1A."

Aizawa explained while the boy smiled smugly and she beamed in happiness for her best friend who finally became her classmate.

"I got transferred while they were in mid-rehearsal already so I am only part of the first half of the dance. I wouldn't have participated at all if it weren't for Eri who made me promise I'd dance for her."

He looked up at the girl sitting on top of his shoulders who was too distracted, taking in the new view, to realize they were talking about her.

"I'll be looking forward to seeing you dance then, you can come back to us after that."

She chuckled when Shinsou grimaced and even Aizawa couldn't help a laugh before he ushered the kids to get moving or they would miss the show.

Once there Shinsou handed over Eri to her so he could go backstage to the rest of the class and the remaining three continued on to find some good places in the audience so they would have a good view on his dancing.

"Can you see the stage well Eri?"


"Let's fucking go! Everyone at U.A. we'll knock you dead with our sound!"

The child in her arms flinched when the first explosions set off and she had to reassure her she was safe. After that she watched the show unfold with sparking eyes and eventually the brightest smile spread across her face.

She smiled!

When she looked at Aizawa to make him look at the smiling child too she saw that he was already watching. Smiling himself and eyes glossy, just like her own. Shinsou too saw it when he was walking through the crowd to join them.


"Did you like it Eri?"

"At first there was a loud noise and it was scary, but then everyone was hopping with the dance and there was a flash and Shinsou went away but he then came to us. And then it got cold and there was a spinning light and the girl's voice said 'wow' and I said 'wow' too..."

The girl excitedly told about her experience and the smile didn't leave her face.

"I'm glad you had a good time. Now I got one last surprise."

She leaned down and gave her a self made candy apple which she had prepared back at the League's hide out. The Villains had loved them so she hope Eri would like it as well. Filled with curiosity she took the candy apple and took a bite, her eyes sparkled as soon as she got a taste of it.

"It's so sweet!"

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