Chapter 26

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She was caught red handed, quite literally, as blood dripped from her hands. Toga had caught her in the act and her exclamation alarmed the other members who rushed to the scene.

"What have you done?"

"The fuck?"

Shigaraki was glaring and scratching furiously, he wasn't covered in hands as usual which was a surprise. Dabi stood lazily behind him in the doorframe but his eyes stood dangerous. She felt as she was being pierced by his turquoise orbs and she'd be dead if she made even the slightest movement.

"Okay you got me."

She couldn't do anything besides dropping the knife in her hand and raising her hands in defeat. She sighed and tried to guess the thoughts of the Villains in front of her, but she couldn't meet their eyes as they were focused on Twice on the ground behind her now.


As soon as she agreed to join the League of Villains, Twice untied her from the chair she had been bound to.

"Welcome! Fuck off!"

She'd given him a smile in thanks and he seemed to appreciate it too. She knew about his split personality so she didn't get offended and chose to ignore it. Just like she ignored the fact that she was in the midst of criminals. But they also seemed to ignore the fact that she wasn't.

They lead her up to an apartment not far from the garage they had been at before, she noticed they were in a ghetto she didn't recognize at all. It seemed this was their new hideout after the bar got destroyed.

"Yay now I have a roommate too!"

Toga cheered as she hugged the other girl's arm and looked at her with a grin, they were about the same height so it wasn't difficult at all.

"Y'all live here together?"

She asked looking at the members who were present, Toga, Twice, Shigaraki, Kurogiri and Dabi. The others had split ways and she wondered if they went to a similar apartment or each their own way.

"Yes! We live here and the others have their own homes to go back to."

After saying that, Toga took a hold of her hand and pulled her along to give her a house tour. Once she had shown her everyone's room, bathroom, kitchen and common area. The girls would be sharing the same room as there was no spare room left.

After showing her around and Toga was satisfied they returned to the common room where only Twice was waiting for her so they could go get groceries and other necessities. It was almost humorous how the main Villains also had to take care of normal daily tasks. Of course the kidnapped student was not allowed to go outside with them so she'd have to find another way and amuse herself while they were gone.

She thought she'd be alone but as soon as the duo said their goodbyes and left, a dark figure entered the room and took a seat on the couch. He lazily threw his legs up on the table and stared at her for a moment, she felt like a pray being hunted down until he looked away to read the back of a bottle containing alcohol.

"So I guess you ended up with having to babysit me huh, Dabi?"

She didn't want to remain standing up and walked over, taking a seat besides him on the couch, keeping a fair distance between them to stay out of his personal space. He glanced at her shortly before focusing on the drink in his hand and she couldn't help but let her eyes wander over his scars now that she could see them up close.

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