Chapter 24

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---Bakugou's POV---


He ran forward as he saw his classmate's body fall down and nearing the ground. He ran with all his might but every step became more difficult than the one before. He reached out to the green haired boy, hanging in mid air as his legs got totally trapped and he couldn't reach him in time.

His sight got blurred by the green slime, he was suffocating in it. Blasts exploded from his palms but the Sludge Villain didn't loose his grip on him, only tightened. His arms throbbed, his heart beating fast while his throat burned and his lungs were screaming for oxygen.

"Young Bakugou!"

All Might's presence replaced that of the Villain and the blonde thought he was saved. But when he looked up to his Hero, a skinny and bloodied version stood in his place. Slowly fading away as he came to his end.

A hand wrapped around his neck keeping him from moving yet again. The blur that once had been the Pro-hero had changed into someone else and he didn't have to look up anymore.


The hand that had first been around him, now appeared behind her instead. Her glossy eyes called for him, pleading for his help. His heart was being pulverized by the sight in front of him.

He watched as Dabi's taller form hovered over her and his hand tightened around her neck when he lowered his face next to her, a teasing smirk on his lips as he looked over at him. The Villain's eyes were filled with a kind of lust only a psychopath would have and his skin staples tore away when his tongue slipped out and licked her cheek like a lizard.

His blood boiled at the disgusting sight in front of him and rage build up as he saw the girl getting violated by the dark haired male. No one had the right to touch her, absolutely no fucking one.

Yelling he ran forward, directing a blast towards Dabi but the male simply chuckled as his explosion had triggered a bright blue fire to erupt from his body and Bakugou got pushed away from them only to watch her burn getting burned alive by the Villain's flames as he hugged her from behind.

Her screams of pain echoed louder than anything else and driving him crazy. He wanted to save her, help her, be with her, but his body was melting away. He could only watch yet another downfall of someone caused by him.

"Go take a swan dive of the roof of the building."

The sentence was the last thing he heard when the screams started fading away. It was something he had said, but the girl had quoted it too, yet it sounded like a third voice topped theirs.



Sweat was dripping down his forehead and his shirt was sticking against his skin as Bakugou tore awake from the cruel nightmare, barely able to fill his lungs with air. His pulse beat loudly against his ears and his sight was blurry through the tears as he stared at his sharking left hand, the hand which held the burned imprint of hers.

He could only stare at the red scarred hand, the skin that hadn't been burned being the part that had been covered by her grasp and he wondered if she had a matching one. His hand was bigger than hers so he hoped her burns would be smaller, but remembering the way she had been absorbed by the blue flames, hope quickly left.



He groaned at the call of his best friend, though he wouldn't admit it out loud, Kirishima was the only one he seemed to tolerate. His other classmates normally wouldn't care about his unfriendliness and liked teasing him, but since her disappearance they'd noticed how Bakugou had gotten quieter and decided to stop their playful bullying for now.

Although no one really felt like doing so as their class felt empty with their classmate missing but they also knew sulking wouldn't get them anywhere. Most of them tried to keep the mood positive and behaved like always, though Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Shinsou were having an exceptionally bad time along with Bakugou.

Todoroki barely spoke and was even more held back than the start of the school year.

Kirishima had lost his natural cheerfulness and even when he did smile his eyes didn't follow along.

Kaminari was his usual self as if he'd forgotten about it, but as soon as he referred to her as if she was still there and then realized she wasn't, he immediately shut down and didn't speak again unless spoken to.

Mina switched between overly chaotic and sulking in regret, her skin had become a weaker pink and curls less bouncy.

Shinsou only showed up to class but after that, no one could get a hold of him besides Kaminari who was lucky to receive a reply to his text messages from time to time.

They were currently on a boot camp in order to work on their special moves and it had gotten the class a bit more pumped up as it served for a good distraction. Kirishima had called out to him because he wanted to receive one of his blasts in order to test his new hardening form, Bakugou thought he was just being masochistic though but he didn't care, he also needed to blow off steam.

He'd talked about special moves with her too, when they used to spar together after school. He never realized that he'd miss something he found annoying, again he wouldn't accept that he actually enjoyed it. They did bond a lot in those moments, and he'd feel positive things he hadn't before for another person, except for All Might of course.

He blasted an explosion towards Kirishima and watched how his skin cracked a bit but didn't lower his guard, giving the blonde another opportunity to attack. He did and the other received again but cracked even more and even released his form after the third blast.

"You can't drop your hardening mid fight, Dumbass!"

"I know, I know, I didn't mean to."

Bakugou scolded and raised his fist in a warning manner as Kirishima apologized but he was also frustrated. Both of them were physical people so it wasn't weird for Kirishima to hold onto Bakugou's shoulder or Bakugou to hit Kirishima when scolding, though never with the intent to really hurt him badly.

Though being in the sparring situation they were in, Kirishima automatically pulled his guard up when Bakugou's fist moved close to his face. Bakugou noticed the slight change in his stance and in a slight moment he saw the girl he used to spar with instead of the red head. He lowered his hand instantly and when he realized what he did he couldn't help but sigh and rub his face in annoyance.

He remembered when she flinched every time he'd make a sudden movement she hadn't anticipated, he'd felt bad about it and wanted to tell her he'd never hurt her on purpose but his ego didn't let him.

He thought it had only been with him as of course he's known to be aggressive but when she came to his house one day for some school stuff he'd also noticed how her aura had changed when seeing the aggressive interactions between him and his mom.

It didn't take a genius to put two and two together. Bakugou had then unconsciously sworn to himself that he'd never let anyone hurt her anymore. Though that promise had been broken already and he'd never forgive himself for it.

"Damn it."

Where the fuck are you Shorty?

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