Chapter 32

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(Continuation Chapter 27)

"Halt Villain!"

She was on her way out of the Yakuza base, holding Eri in her arms who she felt tense up in fright. The Pro-Heroes had somehow managed to run into her and Toga nor Twice was close by to help her out now.

After having found Overhaul's armless and unconscious body the Heroes had split into two groups, one would contain the Villain and the other would search for the League members. Though they didn't expect the unknown Kitsune masked to be holding onto the child they were supposed to rescue.

"Let go of her and put your hands up, you're under arrest!"

There was no way to run, no way to hide and no way to fight. She couldn't fight with Eri in her arms and she couldn't possibly fight against the people standing in front of her. Sir Nighteye had a gun pointed at her, Aizawa was erasing her Quirk and Shinsou was ready for combat too.

"Don't worry Eri, there's nothing to be afraid of, they won't hurt you, they're Heroes. I don't want to worry them so can you take off my mask, please?"

The little girl's wide eyes looked at her but she nodded and her shaky hands slowly went up to her mask to take it off. The Heroes were confused as to why there seemed to be trust between the two, the distorted voice behind the mask said questionable words as well. Her mask fell and their eyes met.


Aizawa questioned in disbelief, it made sense for her to say what she had before, but it made no sense for her to be there right now. She was kidnapped by the League and now she was working alongside them?

"Eri, I want you to meet my father Aizawa and my big brother Shinsou. The League kidnapped me from them, I agreed to join the Villains because that was my only way of survival and that way I could save you and Sir Nighteye's life."


Shinsou called her name and it made her heart ache just like when she heard Aizawa call her. He wanted to use his Quirk on her so she had to reply to him. If she didn't answer him it wouldn't work and he knew that she knew that too. This would easily prove her true intensions.

"Yes, Hero."

He didn't question her identity, not her morals. Shinsou knew the truth about her and he knew that she was no Villain. Everything she was doing was definitely for a bigger cause and would only be for good. He didn't need to be convinced, neither did he think that Aizawa distrusted her, though others that didn't know her needed facts and proof.

"Tell us the truth."

"After I failed to escape with Bakugou the League took me in because my whole existence here is thanks to All For One. I am a Nomu, created by him and gifted with a Quirk that can hold any type of Quirk. He won't dispose of me because I hold useful information regarding the future and am a useful pawn to his plan. I however am not going to let him use me like he wants to, on the contrary it is I who will use him. I have joined the League of Villains in order to change the future. If I hadn't Mirio would have lost his Quirk and Sir Nighteye would have died."

"You're infiltrating?"

Aizawa spoke and Shinsou repeated, voice cold but he couldn't fully hide his worry as he looked at the dull eyes of the hypnotized girl.


"If you truly know the future, why didn't you warn us about this? Why didn't you announce your infiltration plan? You went on an unauthorized mission without a Provisional Hero License."

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