Chapter 1

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Hello lovely reader

This idea has been on my mind for a while now so I finally decided to post it because I couldn't focus on other things.

I appriciate any read or constructive critisism, so feel free to let me know how to improve my writing or the story.

Thank you for reading this fanfiction of mine, hope you'll like it!

Have a good day/night!


Wouldn't it be nice to chose your own life? How you're called, where you live, how you live, who you are? Why else would you be living if your life is not your own? What's the purpose of your life?


It was a distant buzzing sound at first, like a mosquito flying around her head but it eventually became louder and beeping sounds accompanied it. Her eyelids felt heavy as she tried to open them, the brightness of the room momentarily blinding her. A moan escaped her lips instead of her voice seeming as her throat was dry.

"Take it easy, you took quite the fall."

A nurse that was checking the monitor turned to the girl when she noticed her movements. Her blonde hair was neatly put up in a bun and her attire was clean as well.

"What happened?"

And where the fuck am I?

The girl her vision had gotten clearer and she tried to remember the hospitals she'd been to, but none looked near the one she was in at the moment.

"There was a villain attack and you fell from a collapsing building, lucky for you Hero Hawks was there to save everyone."

A kind reassuring smile was on her lips as she explained.

"You got some minor injuries but you passed out from shock, don't worry you're all fine now and can go home. We just need to contact your legal guardian so they can come and pick you up. Can you give me a name?"

It felt like the whole room started spinning as the girl tried to understand what then nurse just told her. Villains, collapsing building, Hawks, guardian? She tried to remember what she had been doing before she woke up and that being walking home from school. This is a dream, it made no sense for her to suddenly wake up in the My Hero Academia universe, so this had to be a dream.

She took another look around, the white room, the beeping monitors, the slight blush on the nurse's cheeks, the birds singing outside the window. It all seemed to real to be fake, even when she pinched herself so hard that it would probably bruise, she felt it.


She questioned confusedly, barely registering what the woman had said.

"Yeah your parents for example."

She got a weird glance from the nurse but she seemed to let it pass as she was almost done with her shift and she just wanted to get over with it. 

Why'd she get an irky feeling at the mention of her parents? 

Once the nurse had gotten a name she left the room telling the girl that she should wait until her caregiver arrives and then she could leave the hospital. A nod was the only reply the woman got from the teen.

Thoughts kept rushing through her head, like a storm raging inside her mind. If she'd really somehow teleported into this anime world, it would be a dream coming true. But her sense of reality knew that wasn't possible. So what is this then? She's definitely feeling pain so it can't be a dream right?


A knock on the door made her snap out of her dissociative state and her voice barely came out when she spoke up to allow the person entrance. A shadow like figure slipped through the slightly opened door and swiftly closed it again as if to keep the rest of the world outside.

"Who are you?"

His voice was deep and demanding as his black eyes stared into hers, his guard obviously up.

"I'm (Y/N) and I'm really sorry for disturbing you but I don't really know what is going on and you're the first one that came to mind."

Please, let this work. God he looks even better in real life.

The girl explained and the man could hear the helplessness and honesty in her voice making him sigh and lean against the wall next to the door, his eyes that first looked fierce now became more tired.

"Why me?"

She took a deep breath trying to calm her nervousness as even if this was a dream, she was still in his presence and seeing him like this was a lot to take in for her little fangirl heart.

"I- I trust you, I feel like you're the only one who will be able to understand and help me right now."

This caught the male by surprise, he was sure that he didn't know the girl personally so the only way she might know him is because of his job.

"What do you mean?"

He moved to sit down on the chair besides the bed, still keeping a fair distance for safety measures but also to give her space.

"Okay, I know this will sound crazy but please hear me out."

She started and bit her lip trying to clear out her thoughts and explain it as well as possible instead of just rambling and messing it up. All the while the male listened carefully not saying a word as he concentrated on the story and her body language trying to figure out if she was lying or not. When she was finished, a silence engulfed the room and the girl waited painfully on his reaction.

"You mean to say that you're not from this world but somehow woke up here and in this so called other world of yours, the one we currently are in is a made up story?"

She could hear the disbelief in his voice and she felt her heart tighten, scared to think he wouldn't trust her and that she'd be left alone.

"Please you have to believe me, I don't know what to do."

"How do you know this is not just an after effect from the fall you took?"

He crossed his arms, loosing interest in the ridiculous story. It was hard to believe that the world you live in turns out to be a made up story where everything is written out for you and planned all along.

"Aizawa- Sir, please, trust me."

Did I offend him?! What do I even call him?

She stared into his eyes and instead of weak her gaze was now stronger, she was determined into making the black haired man believe her because he was the one she trusted with this. This didn't go unnoticed by him, the genuine demand and respect in her eyes made him rethink the whole ordeal.

"Can you prove this?"

She had to think and asked him if she could say something personal and he said that the less people knew about it the better.

"Oboro Shirakumo."

She spoke silently as if she'd break him if she were too loud and although Aizawa didn't react she noticed him tense up.

I fucked up.

"He was a student in Class 2-A at U.A along with you and Sir Yamada. He was killed during a battle with a villain during his Hero Work-Studies. He's the one who gave you those goggles."

She finished her proof by pointing at the yellow goggles around his neck hidden underneath his scarf and waited anxiously yet again for a reaction from the older man. After what felt like an hour he looked up at her.

"Get up."

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