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Yusrah's Present.

After taking breakfast,Yusrah stared at Yusuf who have been fiddling with his fingers and gulping back his words.

They are going back to their diploma class today,Yusuf seems tensioned "What is wrong?" She questioned raising her eyebrow and he stared at her.

"I was just thinking weather I am ready to break this news to everyone." He stated and she nod her head,she is also not ready for all the questions and looks "Yusuf,we should keep it hidden till we are ready to say it out." She advised and he stared at her stupidly.

"Hiding it doesn't seem like a good idea to me." He stated shaking his head vigorously "But the both of us are not ready."

After thinking,they both decided to keep their relationship a secret till they are ready to tell everyone.

Yusrah stared at Yusuf as he got lost in thoughts,he always do this.She doesn't like seeing him like this,she is his wife and he can share his problems with her but he doesn't.He always keeps them to himself.

"If you have any problem,you can tell me.You know that right?"

Yusuf chuckled nervously as he nod his head at what she said "I am fine."

He was scared,scared of the way she looked at him,scared of the way she was making him feel,scared of the way she looked through him,he was scared of the way she notice every single thing about him.

"You hide it so well." She mumbled.

"What?" Yusuf questioned.

Yusrah let out a drawn sigh as she drew herself closer to him till she held both of his hands.

"Your pain."

Yusuf sigh as he held her hand tightly "I am totally fine." He stated and she nod her head "Of course." She replied sarcastically rolling her eyes and he laughed cutely at her annoyance.

"You look cute when you are annoyed." He teased and she eyed him while fighting back her blush as he chuckled.

Yusrah stared at him dreamily,when he smiles.God! When Yusuf smiles everything just automatically stop for her.He have this kind of cute contagious smile which is drool worthy.

After a few minutes of glancing at each other shyly yet quitely.Yusrah broke the silence.

"I need to go and ease myself." She whispered to him and he nodded his head still not taking his eyes of her "Yusuf," She called.

"Hmm?" He answered "I need to use the washroom." She repeated and he nodded his head.

She waited for a few more seconds before she talked again "Yusuf?"

"I need to use the washroom." She repeated again.

"You can go." He stated staring at her while he smile.

"Only after you let go of my hand." She mumbled with her cheeks colored scarlet as she looked at their intertwined fingers.Yusuf held her hand delicately and tightly,he doesn't look like he is ready to let it go.

Yusuf hurriedly let go of her hand after realizing the situation as he apologized shyly while Yusrah just laughed.

One thing is for sure;Yusuf is totally whipped!

Yusuf and Yazeed stepped out of the house,they decided to drop Yazeed at Yusuf's parents house.His grandmother have been wanting to see him,after all after their class they are going there.

Yusrah leveled her big mustard veil on her head as she walked out,she met Yusuf and Yazeed in the car whispering only what God knows to each other as they laugh.

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