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Yusuf's Present.

Shaking his head,he chuckled at the silliness of the okada man "I seriously hate this governor," The man shook his head "Just take a look at the roads,so dirty!" He shouted the last part stopping the bike when they reached.

"We have to be patient,the government is trying its all possible best." Yusuf pointed out as he hopped down,he opened his wallet and shove N100 to the man "Thank you for the ride." He stated as he walked inside the building.

He answered a series of greetings and also greeted people before he entered his classroom,many of the students were already there,except few and among those few Yusrah and Zarah included.

It was already time to start the class so Yusuf grumpily started the class still waiting for Zarah and Yusrah......Well Yusrah only.

Zarah hurriedly came in and closed the door,before Yusuf could get a hold of his tongue he stated "Leave the door open for Yusrah."

Zarah turned and smiled at him "Good morning sir,Yusrah is not coming today." A feeling of void sank into him "Why?" He asked not caring about the peering eyes "Her son is sick,she have taken him to the hospital."

"What is wrong with him?" Zarah seemed perplexed with the amount of questions "He is having a fever."

"May Allah grant him shifa." He prayed and he could swear Zarah let out a breath of relief before saying "Amin"

He started the class but his mind was still faraway,it was with Yusrah.How is her son doing now?

He is sure she must be so worried.

He turned and Zahra was pressing her phone "Zarah,please concentrate so that you can teach Yusrah at home." She nodded her head and kept the phone aside,he doesn't know Yusrah much but he knows that she love studying a-lot and also hate being left behind.

They had just 30 minutes to finish the class when the door flew open,Yusuf turned his head to the direction and a smile broke on his lips.

His first real smile of the day.

Yusrah stood there smiling at him,it was just like there was no one in the class apart from the two of them.......and the cute boy that was holding her hand like his life depended on it.

"Good morning sir,am sorry am late.Yazeed had high fever in the morning so I had to rush to the hospital,but he is fine now," She smiled squeezing her son's hand "I didn't want to miss the whole class since their was time left,so I came.I hope you don't mind that I came with him?" She asked.

All the while Yusuf was just smiling,yeah he heard what she said but his whole mind wasn't there,he was just so happy that she came,it just light up his day.She also look so cute when she is nervous,she keeps blabbing on and on and he enjoys it because her voice is his favorite sound.

"Sir?" She questioned and he came back to his complete sense.

Ya ilahi!!

What was he thinking?

"Um.." He cleared his throat "It is fine,he can even sit down on my chair," He smiled at Yazeed........and he smiled back at him.

Yusuf's heart thudded,his lips broke into a wider smile and he just felt happy and surprisingly........complete.

Like all the missing pieces of his heart have been found,he felt like crying at the moment,it has been a long long time since he felt this kind of joy bubbling inside him.

He carried Yazeed which made him laugh shyly "He is so cute." The members of the class cooed and Yusuf smiled,he took him to his chair smiling at him "Young man,sit here," He nodded his head shyly "Take my phone and play game." Yazeed happily collected the phone.

Yusuf continued with the class constantly looking at Yazeed and then Yusrah who was so indulged in the class.

After the class,most of the students went to Yazeed saying hi and he was so shy.

"He is so cute Yusrah." Bilal stated and she smiled fakely "He is" she nodded her head dismissively "Am so sorry for the other day, I was so un polite," She nodded her head "It is okay Bilal." She stood up and left the place.Yusuf just kept what he just saw and heard aside as he went to Yazeed who was surrounded by many people.He carried him on his shoulder and Yazeed seemed very happy with the gesture.

"We really want to snap a picture with you sir," Jamila stated "With Yazeed too." She smiled happily "Shall we?" She questioned and he nodded his head.

They first took a group picture then one one with Yusuf and Yazeed "Yusrah come and snap too." She shook her head smiling "No." she politely declined.

"Yes." Yusuf popped "Come one,it is going to he snapped with my phone sef," She stood up unwillingly and walked to him,she stood by his right side,he still had Yazeed perched on his waist.


And they did.

All the three of them smiled.

"Wow!! This looks like some sort of a family picture!"  Many of the students exclaimed making Yusrah's cheeks hot and in her mind she replied: It is.It is a family picture,our first picture together.

Yusuf laughed it off wishing they were a family,the picture was so cute and simple like a father who loves his son unconditionally and a happy mother who is loved by her husband.

Yusuf felt so fresh,so happy.

He should meet Yazeed often,he make him so happy.

"I can't help but see that Mr Yusuf and Yazeed look alike a lot." Jamila stated.

"Yes,they look alike like father and son!" Khadija spat out nearly making Yusrah regret even taking Yazeed there.

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