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Yusrah's Present.

"Good night." Yazeed yawned as he closed his eyes and Yusrah smiled as she kissed his forehead.She kept on grazing his hair gently until she was sure that he is deeply asleep,she pulled the duvet on his body as she quietly stepped out of the room.She went to the veranda of the house and sat down on one of the chairs,the veranda have a clear vision of the sky and she can see the moon and the stars perfectly from there.

She trembled due to the cold air that was hitting her body but she was loving it,she clasp her hands together as she stared at the stars.They were twinkling,unapologetically and no one can take it away from them.She gazed at the moon with a smile on her face,very magically and mysteriously beautiful.

This made her remember the qoute "Tell me about the love of the moon and the sun,that the both died just to let each other shine."

Looking through it deeply,it is true.The moon falls and the sun rises in the morning,the sun falls and the moon rises in the evening.

On the contrary,thinking through it,it also explains something.

Everything have it's time.Everyone have his time to shine.

Just like the weather.We have cold season,summer and raining season.They all come on their time.Everything is time.Everything.

"Happiness is also time." She whispered to herself as she stared at the stars.The night is her best friend,she can sit here for the whole night and nobody will know.

She can cry,say out her problems and insecurities.She can smile,say out the good memories of her life and nobody will judge her.

It is our little secret.

The secret between her and the night,the secret between her and the stars,between her and the moon,between her and the air passing by.A secret between her and the peaceful silence,a secret between her aching soul and the world.

"I knew that you would be here." She heard Zarah's voice and she smiled "Yes, I am here." She stated smiling and Zahra passed her a cup of tea.

"Very needed,Thanks." She murmured as she sipped her tea smiling,Zahra sat beside her quitely and it was as if no one was there.

Yusrah took another sip of her tea as she smiled slowly,when things get out of hand,you want to share it.She never got someone to share her problems to,she always took it all alone.Having Zarah beside her right now,made her feel like pouring all her heart to her.Maybe,just maybe she will find solace in doing so.

Everything went haywire for her,a little part of her was stopping from spilling the secrets she kept bottled in her heart and soul out while the rest wanted her to say them out.For her own peace.

She took a deep breath as she finalized her decision and turned to her sister "Can I trust you?" She questioned Zarah who was so absorbed in her own thoughts,Zarah turned to look at her and nod her head despite her bewilderment.One thing she knows about Yusrah is that she is very mysterious.She never says out what is wrong with her,now that she is willing to share,Zarah is willing to listen.

Yusrah held the cup tightly as she stared at the stars twinkling,wishing that her heart will also twinkle.She let out a very heavy breath as she stared at the moon.A thousand of emotion swirled in her mind,as darkness enveloped every house and became a blanket to light,as everyone sleeps peacefully,a tear fall from Yusrah's eye.

"Yusuf is the father of Yazeed."

She merely whispered but Zahra heard it clearly,she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "What are you saying Ya Yusrah?" Zarah questioned not believing her ears "I am saying the truth." Yusrah sobbed out.

"You said you didn't know the man who impregnated you." Zarah accused slightly and Yusrah nodded her head "I didn't know him but I know his face."

"I will tell you everything." Yusrah stated and Zarah calmly nod her head as she drew circles on her hand trying to calm her down.

She have never talked about that night.

She tried to block the mere thought of it,she didn't want anything to remind her of that night.

That "One night" that made her whole life upside down.

"I lied that we had an assignment,but I went to a friend's house party.It started raining heavily at the evening and baba couldn't pick me up so he allowed me to spend the night there." Zarah nodded her head reminding that day.Yusrah went on till she reached the time they had a drink.

"The drink tasted somehow, I don't know if it is alcohol but something was definitely added into the drink." She said sobbing as the images of that flashed through her eyes breaking every piece of her heart.

She told her about how she accompanied him to the washroom "He was crying,he looked so broken and I hugged him.We both weren't in our senses and we ended up spending the night with each other." Yusrah kept the cup aside as she cried.

She cried.

And cried.

And cried.

Her heart burned and her whole body shook,her emotions were all over the place,she could feel her hands trembling as she wiped her tears.Zahra's face was pale and tears were just rolling out of her eyes.

"I woke up in the morning and saw myself on the bed,with a guy beside me and I was....." Yusrah felt her legs go limp as she crouched to the floor,she bought her knees together and buried her face under them.

"That was when I saw his face." She stated weakly and Zahra also crouched to the floor near her "Ya Yusrah.." She cried out as she hugged her sister tightly.

"I don't know him,where will I find him? What will I tell him? We both weren't in our senses.Yusuf cannot even remember me which means he cannot remember anything that happened that night.He seems to be the kind of person that cannot remember anything that happened while they are drunk."

Silence overshadowed the two sisters,they both kept quiet.The intensity of the situation made both of them speechless.Zahra couldn't process the whole information all at once and Yusrah felt like her past came back to her.Rushing to her like it just happened,the pain felt fresh like it just happened.

"Pain never goes away,it always lurks around"

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