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Yusuf's Past.

He felt his whole body stiffen when she walked into the parlor,she sat down beside him staring at him and he tried to act like he didn't notice her.

He got tired of her gaze and he turned to look at her with a glare "Lower your gaze." He stated as he rummaged through the channels pressing the remote harshly "Pity the poor remote and let it go," She stated and Yusuf acted like she wasn't talking to him.

"What is stopping you from moving on?"

He felt his heartbeat rise as he takes in the question,his hand started trembling and he hated himself for being weak,he hated himself for being clueless of what to do.

Enough is enough!

He won't act weak,he won't let his tears fall,he won't let his eyes waver.Definitely and probably not infront of her.

He mentally got himself ready for the storm.

He scoffed as he looked into her eyes "Move on from what?" He asked acting like he is clueless,he liked the way he talked fluently without stuttering.

She smiled widely at him "We both know what I am talking about," She stated in a whisper like voice "I am talking about the love you have for me, I still see it in your eyes.You should move on Yusuf, I am your father's wife,your second mother.Go and find love,give love another chance." She batted her eyelashes as she finished.

Yusuf smiled at her,he mustered up all his ability to give a wide smile "Bold of you to think I have not given love another chance,Warisha." He laughed "I realized that,what I had for you was just infatuation,it is now that I am tasting real love." He smiled dreamily as he looked at her shocked face.

She let out a rasp breath as she stared at him "You cannot read my eyes,their is no ounce of your love left in me.Your mere existence disgust me! I cannot let my heart love a disgusting person like you." He stared at her with pure hatred in his eyes "Looking at you makes my blood boil,it makes me want to strangle you to death."

Pure and utter surprise slipped down her eyes and it gave him immense joy "I have an advice for you,"

"Instead of lurking around your husband's son,you should go and hold onto your old husband." He smirked.

"I cannot even sit down in the parlor,you have presented your disgusting self to it." He hissed as he walked past her.

He hurried walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water as he gulped it down in one go,he touched his heart and it was beating erratically.

He felt tears fall from his eyes and a smile graced his lips.

"I did it!" He whispered to thin air passing by.

He breathed in and out countless of times before he sprang off to his room without throwing even one glance to the parlor.

He went to Iman's room straight.

Iman was sprawled on her bed with a book in her hand while she get lost in it,Yusuf smiled at her as he walked to the bed.She looked up at him and smiled widely at him "Ya Yusuf," She called as she put a bookmark in the place she is and closed the book,she kept it securely on her bedside as she turned to him fully "Can I know the reason behind this visit?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"It is definitely a happy news," She said reading his eyes and he nodded his head then told her everything.

"Did you mean everything you said?" She asked and he sigh "I don't know Iman." He stated.

"I have no choice other than moving on,she is my father's wife now." He smiled sadly "She is a bad person,it is just that you can't just wake up and stop loving someone right?"

"I am trying my best, I am not rushing it anymore.I am letting myself be."

"Sooner or later, I will move on." He stated and Iman stared at him proudly.

"You are already moving on,Ya Yusuf," Iman replied smiling at him "You don't sneak into the kitchen while she cook anymore,you don't look at her from the side of your eyes while she is passing anymore,you don't look at her with so much longing anymore,you don't look at her with love anymore."

"You are right,take it slow.You are making progress.Take baby steps,one step at a time and one day,you will just have to look back at it and laugh.

"One day you will look at her and feel nothing.You will just see her as the girl that betrayed you and married your father not the girl whom you loved wholeheartedly."

Yusuf let a smile wash over his face.

He realized that,the both of them are progressing and he is very sure one day they will see more light,they will get the happiness they deserve.

One day.

They will have a home.

Maybe in a place.

Maybe in a person.

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