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Yusrah's past.





Ugh it is not working for Yusrah,she is still nervous,her uncle dropped her at the university and went away leaving her all alone.Today is their first lecture and she is excited about but she is still so nervous about the whole thing.She walked further as she walked inside the hall and walked to the empty seat she found.

"Yusrah," She turned around when she heard her name and she saw Farida at her,she waved her hand at her as she went back to where she is sitting.

"First lecture! Am so excited!" Farida's voice boomed as she sat down "Am excited and nervous all together," Yusrah pouted her lips smiling a little.

"It is fine,"Farida teased.

Yusrah looked around the hall and may people were coming inside with smiles on their faces,booming with confidence and grace.

The three girls whom she named as "Cuties but mean" walked inside and then came straight to their seats.

"So Farida got admission here?" She questioned looking at Farida and Farida froze as she started sweating.

"Yes," Yusrah answered looking at them "She deserves to stay at home,she doesn't deserve to be here,"

"Why? Everyone have the right to pursue their dreams," Yusrah gave a comeback.

"The thing here is Farida needs to keep staying at home with her mistress of a mother," Yusrah's mouth hang open as she looked at Farida.

"Oh uh guess I just revealed a secret.Well am sure onion purple girl won't reveal it to anyone," Yusrah eyes her confused.Why on earth is she calling her onion purple girl?

"I will reveal more like the fact that you were actually born ~~~," She stopped "Oh no,maybe some other time," She laughed as she walked away and Farida ran out of the class.

Yusrah wanted to run after her but she saw the way people were looking at a running Farida confused so she walked normally.

Looking around the whole place,Farida was no where to be found,she kept walking around the area looking for her but still their was no sign of her.

She heard sobs at the back of the theater and ran their only to find Farida crying her heart out "Farida,"

"Why are you here? Do you want to be seen with a mistress daughter? Do you want to be seem with a girl who was born out of wedlock?" She asked and Yusrah nodded her head "I don't care about all that, I just care about my friend," Yusrah patted her back.

"I am tired of all this," She sobbed out "Am tired of being threatened by Latifa,she always says that will tell everyone about this. If someone comes to know about this then I will be screwed."

"Back then in secondary school,she threatens that she will tell everyone my secret,that my mother seduced her father and became his mistress and then gave birth to me," Yusrah cleared Farida's tears away "Yusrah am paying for someone's mistake,why?" She shouted.

"Everything will be fine," Yusrah assured "Nothing will be fine,not now,nor ever, I will forever be called the mistress daughter," She sigh "Who is hated by the whole family,who hides somewhere at family functions," She chuckled.

"I thought they were going abroad that was why I applied here,I wouldn't have applied if I knew that they will also come here and make my life a living hell."

"I will always support you." Yusrah voiced out and Farida smiled hugging her "Promise?" She muffled "Promise." Yusrah assured.

They went back to the theater after Farida became normal and thankfully the lecturer didn't lash out on them for entering late.

After the class they said bye to each other,Yusrah's sat down on a bench waiting for her father to come and pick her up.

"Onion purple girl." Yusrah closed her eyes, the cute mean girls are after her life.

"Yeah?" She raised her eyebrow "I really like her," Yasmin laughed as they all sat down beside her.

"I liked you too," Yusrah mouthed under her breath "I don't like the past tense," Quraish shook her head.

"What do you get in bullying her?" Yusrah directed her question to Latifa.

"The thirst of revenge,I need to revenge for the pain her mother made my mother go through,for ruining our happy bubbly life," She said with venom dripping in her voice.

"But she is not the one who did it,it is her mother," Yusrah explained "Her mother loves her a lot,hurting her means hurting her mother," She smirked looking at her friends.

"If someone punish you for the mistake you didn't make,would you feel happy?"

"No, I will kill that person," She laughed "She is your sister,can't you treat he like one?"

"You ask a lot of questions,onion purple girl." Quraish chirped in smiling "The thing here is we enjoy bringing people down," She continued.

"Put yourself in the place of the people you have bullied and see if you will still love your pathetic selfs." Yusrah spatted as she walked away from them.

Some people are just so cruel.

Yusrah turned around and found her father waiting for her inside the car and she walked to him.

"How was your first day?" He asked.

She so wanted to say horrible but she kept her mouth shut "It was fine," She voiced out.

"Well that is just the beginning," He stated and she nod her head.

That is really just the beginning.This school will be hard,apart from actually learning books,she have to learn how to deal with people,the behaviors of people and how to live with them.

This,actually is just the beginning.

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