"So you just went for a run, and nothing else happened?" I press, reaching over to grab an egg and some bacon from one of the trays.

"She almost outran us," Bass interjects, filling his plate. "She was ahead of us for the first half but then couldn't keep up the pace in the end and excused herself."

I blink at Isla, resisting the urge to frown. I've seen her move, and unless they ran 40 miles, there's no way her pace would have faltered. What is Isla playing at? Seeing my puzzled expression, she murmurs, "I had a stitch."


"Lucky she did. Otherwise, she wouldn't be sitting right now with the ass-kicking Alexei gave us in the gym after our run," Bass grins, winking at Damir.

"You need to work on your left side, Bass," Alexei remarks, then turns his attention to Isla and myself. "So ladies, what are your plans for the remainder of the day?"

"That depends on Isla," I reply, "I promised her that she could choose."

Eyes flickering with interest, Alexei focuses on Isla. "And what are you thinking of doing, Маленький волк?"

Isla blinks slowly and dips her head. "I would like to go back to the Belle Garden."

I shudder at the thought of that beautiful yet creepy place and turn my focus to Alexei, knowing he never goes there himself. After his mother's death, no one visits anymore. "I'll accompany you both. We can go after lunch," he states, leaving no room for argument.

Isla and I can only nod, unable to mask my shock, and continue to eat our breakfast.


We return to our suite; Isla, collecting her backpack, tells me she's going back to the Library and moves to turn. I pause and reach out, tugging on her sleeve before she can go further. "Where were you this morning?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Isla replies, her attention now on the double doors in front. "I went for a run."

"I mean after," I tell her.


I glance at her, Isla's eyes shifting to the side. "Yes, after. Maria said you were in the Library, but when I went to get you for breakfast, you weren't there."

Tilting her head, Isla gives me a sheepish look. "I got lost."


"Yes, I thought I would make my way to the dining room early but took a wrong turn."

I narrow my eyes at Isla, but her expression does not change. "Whatever," I don't care where she went. Isla may be many things, but her attention to detail and recall ability make me believe otherwise. "Just don't get lost this time. I'll come get you when lunch is ready."


"Slow down, Isla," I groan, rubbing at a stitch that has formed in my side. We've been moving at a breakneck speed ever since we entered the hedge maze, my feet slipping now and then on the light covering of snow.

"You move too slow," Isla chides and continues at the same pace.

"We turn left up here," I point out when I see Isla veering to the right. Ignoring my advice Isla continues in the opposite direction and picks up the pace. "You're trying to kill me, aren't you? Is this payback for taking you shopping?"

Isla giggles and takes another right, then two lefts, and all I can see is an unfamiliar cobblestone path and green. Now I'm lost!

I internally berate myself for agreeing to give Isla the afternoon. After spending the remainder of the morning stalking Cook for sweets and frustrating Maria by walking over her newly polished floors, I ended up in the Library with Isla out of sheer boredom.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz