Instead, I was up under Mrs. Maraj, on top of her, in between her thighs, behind her, in front of her. I didn't know what her real personality was like, but I didn't need to.

It was sex. Racy, vile, erotic sex. I wouldn't let myself get passed the most amazing sex I'd ever had in my entire life.

I had to remind myself of that every time I got in my feelings about that little note she left for me this morning. I felt like it was a little insensitive but whatever.

"Assignments will be sent to your e-mails, this will be the first but definitely not the last essay you will have to write for this class. You all have already chosen the movies you want and instructions have been sent."

Everybody stood up before she could even get done speaking. They were ready to go, and I was grateful for that because I needed to talk to Mrs. Maraj. The only thing standing in my way was my very nosey best friend.

She wanted me to leave out with her and talk about where I'd overslept last night.

"I need to talk to her about this assignment. I was late."

She eyed me, but agreed anyway. I mean what else could she do? I'm grown.

"I'll be outside."

She kept the door open.

I knew not to even touch it. She was testing me, as usual. I guess I would just have to stay quiet.

"Yes Ms. Knowles?" She asked, not even looking up from her MacBook.

"Where's all my stuff?" I was whispering.

She pulled out a drawer from her desk, handing me my phone. "I'll have your shoes delivered to you by somebody that's not me, sometime today."

"If you don't look at me."

She stopped typing, finally looking up at me. "I know what you want," She was staring into me the way she does, turning me into stone, the way she does. "You don't need me to validate you, and if you do, that's a personal issue. Use your brain."

Walking back to our room with Megan, I realized Mrs. Maraj was right. I wanted her to wake up and let me know how it was, let me know how I'd done, but I didn't need her to. I already knew. I knew by her actions last night, and the intensity of her orgasms. She couldn't front on that.

"Where were you last night girl? You were with Aditi, weren't you?" Megan asked. She was so damn sure of herself while being wrong all in the same breath.


I just wanted her off my back. I loved Megan with my entire heart, but she could be so nosey sometimes. The first time Brielle and I had sex, I didn't tell anyone because it was sacred to me, but in her words, I was 'glowing'. She said obviously something happened so she gradually bugged me about it until a week later, I finally gave in and told her.

This would not be the same. I could take her, I wasn't telling anybody about what happened last night.

"They're coming over here," She smiled.

"Who is they?"

"Emilio and Aditi. We can talk all about it."

Bad Professor {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora