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"Lift your arm Misa."

"I am." The young girl seethes as she landed another punch into the bag

"You're not or I wouldn't say it." He says with a chuckle

"I am." She hissed

"If you don't want me to train you then just say that—"


"No, Misa. I'm not going to deal with it. Your brothers might but I won't." He said sternly

Misa held the punching bag still and huffed a breath.

"West... I'm sorry. I'm just a little more touchy today." She says

"Why?" He asks and he steadies the bag and motioned for her to hit it.

She gets back into her stance, readies her fist and lands endless punches into it as she speaks.

"Birthday's next week and still no word from mom." She says

"Your brothers?"


"Your dads?"



"Haven't heard from her in months."

"Hmm." West hums as he motioned for her to stop. "Let's take a break. You need one."

Misa nods and follows him to the benches before they sit and drink from their water bottles.

"Do your fathers and brothers know that you're doing this?"

Misa holds the water in her mouth and shakes her head no before swallowing.

"If they did... I can't imagine all the ways they'd try to lock me up."

"They wouldn't—"

"Have you met them?" Misa cocks an eyebrow and West laughs.

"I've known them since I was 11 Misa—"

"Then you know how they are." She responds

"Maybe they'd understand? I mean Hoseok is the whole reason they found you all in the first place, right?"

"Well... yeah but—"

"Maybe they're secretly looking for her and you just don't know."

"They're not." Misa answers strongly

"How do you know?"

"Because I know them." She stands and throws her water bottle atop her bag. "Let's finish and then go eat."

West only nods as he follows her back towards the punching bag.


"It's just a spider, Sula!" Yells Hoseok as he climbs the stairs to reach his daughters bedroom.

"Dad this dudes as big as my hand—Oh my god he has to be poisonous. Is he?! Oh my god dad hurry!" Sula screams as she stares at the long-eight-legged freak in the corner of their bathroom

"I don't want to look away or he'll disappear." She squeaks out

"Okay dads here—OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Hoseok screams

"SEE!" Sula screams in fear


"Nope." They hear Jungkook yell from the other room

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