(81) Driving Home - Analogical

Start from the beginning

"Nope. Straight from the horse's mouth, figuratively... It's definitely not straight, nor is Roman a horse." Virgil was vibrating hearing this news and a smile on his face wider than the day of their proposal. It was expected - Patton and Virgil were childhood friends that became roommates for college and were pretty much inseparable, only living apart now Virgil was moving in with his fiancé. "So no doubt we'd be invited to the wedding in about a year."

Virgil couldn't stop smiling as he drove, and Logan couldn't stop watching him lovingly. "Fuck... I bet those two will have the cutest kids. I know Pat definitely wants kids - Does Roman?"

There was a moment of silence before Logan answered - slower and in a more serious tone. "In a few years he does. He told me when he was asking when we'll have a family." Logan's grip on his fiancé's hand was more loose as he spoke, he was avoiding eye contact and tried relaxing his muscles as much as possible which just made him look more nervous. "He's... pushy about it. He has been ever since I told him I was proposing."

"Well, we can just give him payback now." Virgil tried to joke and smile but the road trip already seemed too quiet to bear. They hadn't even thought of discussing kids in their relationship yet - if they felt like they were ready for one they'd go through the adoption or surrogacy process and if they didn't then there would be no loss and they could entertain each other until they die. At least that was how Virgil viewed it. "There should be no pressure around that anyway - it's just you and me deciding that - that's all that matters."

The couple could luckily move conversation quite quickly when ASAPScience's playlist turned on and Logan was repeating the entirety of the periodic table with more detail and facts than could fit in the song. After a few days they arrived in Orlando and were invited into Virgil's parents' warm house (they were going to move into their own house the next day after they had a nice meal instead of takeaways). 

"My Vergie-Purgie!" Virgil's mother, Dot, screamed as soon as she spotted her son and ran to hug him. Virgil accepted the hug of course - his father Larry was lagging behind and demonstrated where the emo got all his awkwardness from. "And Lo-Po too! Welcome to Florida!"

Logan was grateful he was accepted into Virgil's family unlike how his parents reacted to his coming out - Larry and Dot were always loving and accepting of Virgil and treated Logan like their own son too. He was glad he was moving away from his parents in Colorado. Soon the young couple were sat cuddling up to each other on the living room sofa with a lukewarm hot chocolate each and a Christmas movie in front of them. This was an amazing atmosphere Logan would never want to forget - Virgil's hair was rubbing on his neck and his arm was around his waist and grasping tightly. He could stay in this position forever.

"Uncle Virgil? Uncle Virgil!" Two little voices Logan vaguely recognised from FaceTime calls erupted across the house and two children ran into the room. Virgil recognised the kids immediately and smiled widely, beckoning them over. "We missed you!"

Virgil was trampled in hugs by the two children but he didn't complain. "Wow, wow... You two are a lot bigger than last year - OK..." He managed a choke between his laughs and that was what made Logan's memory clicked. These kids were Elliott and Kai and were Virgil's niblings - his older sister's kids. Logan only saw them once or twice as they visited Virgil quite a lot over the holidays when they lived apart just like Larry and Dot did. They were quite a bit older from what Logan could remember it seemed as they could actually walk and talk... And they were talking a lot.

But Virgil seemed so involved in their rambles and encouraging their stories and jokes. His brown eyes were glistening and his lips, while moving quickly, seemed irresistible to kiss. "Uncle Logan is staring at you." Kai chirped, interrupting their sibling's story. Virgil silenced and turned to Logan. He read his mind and gave him a peck of a kiss before turning back to the kids.

Elliott was watching their uncle curiously, eventually interrupting their sibling to chirp. "Does it always snow in Colorado Uncle Logan? There's no snow here."

Logan tried to smile wide like Virgil did. He wasn't used to smiling like a goofball in front of people though. "Not always, but we do have snow at winter... There's tall mountains there too!" Elliott seemed entertained enough by that and decided to wonder off somewhere else. Kai was still sat on Virgil's lap though and almost shouting about what they got for Christmas.

Now he saw Virgil playing and laughing with a small human he felt differently from how he did before. Maybe Virgil wanted to be a father but just never had the courage to tell his lover what he really felt about it - and if Virgil continued looking this cute he wouldn't mind helping him grant that wish. "I stole Uncle's glasses!" Logan's vision was suddenly blurry as he realised Kai was triumphantly holding up the nerd's glasses and Virgil was trying to grab them back. 

Logan had enough co-ordination to give Kai a tickle - and the giggles that escaped the four year old was adorable. The laugh was in fact just like Virgil's. He'd love to meet any little kid that could be his and Virgil's if they all laughed the same. Eventually Logan could see again which made him let go of the young child. "Sorry Uncle." Kai giggled, but just like that Elliott appeared again with a wrapped box.

"Oooh! What's this Ell?" Virgil chirped as he was already starting to unwrap the present even though it was still in the seven year old's hands. Logan eventually managed to fight Virgil's claws and place the gift on his lap, unwrapping it himself now. The present eventually revealed to be matching Christmas sweaters with the word 'hubby' on. Virgil gasped. "Wow! This is great, thank you!"

Virgil looked so happy admiring the Christmas sweaters given by his niblings - and Elliott and Kai seemed happy too just being near their Uncles. They had cute glowing eyes and were telling the fiancés about how they saw the jumpers in a shop with a 'wifey' version but they managed to persuade the mean retail worker they did need two hubby ones for their Uncles.

But Virgil's smile was one to die for and one that Logan would do anything for. Yeah, maybe a kid or two might be a good idea once they're settled in Florida.

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