Chapter 10 : A new ME

Start from the beginning

He frowned.
"What's the point? We could go hang out and enjoy life instead. I don't see your point".

Being surrounded by new people was my nightmare followed by living new situations and that all I had for the past two days. My head dropped.

"can't you get it? I am stuck with YOU." Emphasizing the last word, "These little and futile things, as you call them, are all I have left. Don't take them away from me."

He locked his eyes into mine, and for one, I didn't look away.

"what if I don't like your food? You know, I have expectations." He crossed his arms.

Negotiation wasn't my best friend. Worried about the outcome, I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and trying not to lose my composure. This was the longest showdown I put on in my life.

"You can order takeout," I proposed.

He frowned and got his hand under his chin, his elbow over the countertop facing me.
"How many meals a week do you plan on doing?"

"I was thinking of cooking three times a week and eating leftovers." Without thinking too agitated by the perspective of some normalcy, my features relaxed to the hope.

"leftovers! Are you baffling?" He paused and looked at me and my head slyly dropped, but I kept looking at him. "I have a sensitive stomach. You might kill me with your cooking, or perhaps that is your plan." His overdramatic voice made me smile.

"Ok, no leftovers... for you... I get it. It means more for my lunches." Lifting my hands in the air, surrendering.

He looked at me as if a mole appeared on my face.
"Tell me you are not serious. Leftovers for lunch at school!"

I scratched my head, feeling the need for a sip of coffee only to make a face of disgust at the taste of it. It was bitter. The brew was stronger than what I was used to. What was that thing?

"We represent my father here. There will be no such thing."
He smiled, looking at my reaction to the coffee.

Taking hold on the countertop, I surrendered, and he moved to the sink with his cup. Grabbing mine, he dropped the in the drain next to me.

"Ok, but I have to cook three meals! What about breakfast?" I looked at him next to me and walked to the other side, pressing my back on the counter next to the cook-stove.

"I surrender the leftovers and lunch bags... you can at least surrender breakfast... Let's eat at home like normal people, would you?"

He rinsed the cups and nodded, taking away a heaviness in my chest.

Thinking of something else, I opened my mouth, but his hand lifted to a stop, turning to me.

"That's enough or no deal!"

He then extends his hand to me, and I extend mine, knowing that this was it. Weird tingling sensations went up my hand and arm. Was it a jolt of electricity? I quickly retracted my hand and look at it. I notice then a subtle smile stretching on his face.

"By the way, these coffee beans are for the expresso machine." My lips turned to an o form. "I get it. We will get things you are used to seeing."

Feeling happy, I noticed he was still talking!

"Perfect. So get dressed. We will head to the grocery store!" I proposed, completely unaware of what he was saying just now.

"I'm already dressed, Sherlock, but you should." His head shook for a second before it ended with a knowing nod.

Fidgeting with my hair, I looked at myself.

Only to realize that I was still in pyjamas, feeling the weirdness of my behaviour, I went to my room.

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