bonus - our family

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Lila's POV - Seven Years Later.

I spun around with a gasp as the kitchen door swung open and hit the wall with a bang. Corbon stormed into the kitchen with a frown.

"I'm not going back to that school," he grunted, throwing his bag onto the floor.

I took two plastic tubs of sandwiches from the fridge and put one in front of him. Alora marched into the kitchen with the same expression Coby had.

I put the other tub in front of Alora and sat down in front of them. "Okay, what happened at school?" I asked.

Coby finished what he had in his mouth before he groaned and shook his head. "Mrs Greenburg was talking about hybrids today in history class." He groaned.

"What did she say?" I questioned, my eyes went wide and I sat upright.

"Hybrids are unnatural and dangerous," Alora whispered.

"She wanted us to be prepared and ready for when our king and queen have their baby," Corbon added with a sigh.

"I don't know why she did it, though. Hybrids aren't history." Alora grumbled.

I stood up from my seat and rushed to the side of the table. "You know you're not dangerous, right?" I affirmed, bending down at the side of the table.

"You're special. There is nothing dangerous about either of you." I sighed. "You know they are only scared because they don't know you."

"We should tell everyone who we are." Alora groaned, "At least they will know we are not who they think we are."

"Lora, we know why," answered Coby as he sighed.

"Listen, kids. I know this isn't ideal, but it is for your safety. There are some bad people out there who want you." I sighed.

We have had this conversation many times. I think they understand the risk and danger, but I know it's tough for them too. They can't be themselves outside the palace walls. They are stuck pretending to be someone they aren't.

"I will sort it. You will never have to hear a nasty word about hybrids again." I declared, rising to my feet and moving towards the door.

I glanced over my shoulder and sighed. "Your dad and I love you." I smiled.

One of the first notable things we did as king and queen was to create a school for all species. They can go from age eight and leave when they are sixteen, but they can stay until they turn eighteen.

However, we are like silent partners. We knew that some people wouldn't send their children to a school that we and our "impending hybrids" provided.

Alpha Dimitri of the Blood Moon Pack and Rowan Kaiser, a vampire, were our covers. Their names are on the file as owners. They believe in us and what we are standing for. They feel the same about different species merging in harmony. We believe children can learn from one another, and they do not have to hide their true selves at this school.

Alora, Corbon and Ryder have wolf smells when they go to school, courtesy of Elias. Alpha Dimitri listed them as his children because we couldn't tell them exactly who they are.

The necklaces Elias gave them no longer mask their scents. He modified them, so now they only have a wolf scent, which worked well with the cover story.

The school has a spell around it that prevents the children from transforming and using magic. It is safer for all children and keeps Alora, Corbon and Ryder protected and undetected.

The twin's eyes flash purple when their wolf or vampire side comes forward, and Ryder's eyes flash yellow with a hint of red now that he's older, and his dark wolf side has pushed through.

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