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Lila's POV

"Lila?" Dad muttered down the phone.

"Dad? Are you ok?" I asked, leaning forward.

"Melanie's body was found a few minutes ago by our border." He answered sadly. "She's been murdered," he murmured.

"What do you mean? When?" I choked.

"The doctor thinks she was murdered recently." He replied.

I started shaking my head, "no, no, no." I chanted. "She can't be dead!" I shouted.

I took a deep breath as Alarix brushed his hand up and down my back soothingly.

"She messaged me about twenty minutes ago... Who would want to hurt her?" I whimpered.

"I don't know, baby." He sighed. "Lila, I need you to be safe. I need you to look after your brother." He whimpered.

"Of course, Dad," I whined. That goes without saying.

"Baby, give Alarix the phone. Mum and I love you." He expressed.

"I love you both." I inhaled shakily before handing Alarix the phone.

He took the phone from my hand and held it against his ear. "Alpha," he greeted.

I tuned out of the conversation. My head was spinning. What was happening? Why would anyone kill her? What did she need to tell me? Goddess, I hope it was nothing bad, but then again, what could be worse than foreseeing our death again.

"Of course, Leon." I heard Alarix say. "Yes, I'll see you on Saturday." He added before putting the phone beside him.

I raised my brow at him. "Why is my dad coming on Saturday?" I questioned.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." He sighed. "But we can wait until later." He soothed.

I shook my head and sighed. "No. I need something to take my mind off everything." I groaned.

He shifted awkwardly in his seat, avoiding looking me in the eye. He took a deep breath before looking at me again. "What I need to tell you won't exactly take your mind off it." He sighed.

"Tell me." I prompted, reaching my hand out for his.

"They know we're here, Lila... They know exactly where we are." He croaked. "It was my mother that spoke to Arthur, you know, from the Shadow Pack." He cringed.

I climbed onto his lap, laying my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his back. He feels responsible for his parents. I can feel it through the bond... It's definitely not his fault. He isn't responsible for his parents' actions.

"The ceremony is being brought forward... on Saturday if that's ok?" He mumbled into my neck.

I jumped back and gawked at him. "That soon?" I blurted.

I've not prepared to be queen!

I haven't had any training or lessons into what it means to be queen.

Do queens even go through training?

I thought someone would at least talk to me about it. Maybe give me pointers, and hell, let me know what to expect. Instead, they're throwing me in at the deep end.

"Woah..." He chuckled. "You're overthinking this. King Darius said to trust your gut; it will lead you right." He smiled. "He's not royalty, and he's managed it."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He seems so... royal. I would never have guessed he didn't have royal blood. I mean, you don't technically need to have royal blood to lead, but they usually have a sense about them. King Darius does.

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