how does a lifetime sound?

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Lila's POV

I was floored when I heard the prophecy and completely and utterly devasted for Levi and Elias. I can't begin to imagine what must be going through their heads. Finding out you weren't to be must be heartbreaking.

I know it won't matter to them, though... they're mates regardless.

"Lila... do you think they will be ok? Elias and Levi?" Alarix asked, staring out into the forest. I could hear the worry in his voice. Warmth filled my body. I loved that he thought so much of them.

"They're going to be just fine." I chirped. "I have never seen two people more in love." I chuckled, staring up at the clouds.

I could feel his eyes on me, so I peered over at him. He was leaning against the patio fence; amusement danced in his eyes as he stared at me. "Not even us?" He feigned hurt, holding his hand over his chest.

I chuckled, sitting up on the sun lounger. "Drama king," I smirked. "My love for you is out of this world," I winked, earning a breathtaking smile from him.

He sauntered over to me with a grin plastered on his face. "Should we go back inside yet?" He asked as he sat down in front of me.

I shook my head, laying back and inhaled, staring back at the clouds. "Not yet... we will soon." I sighed, closing my eyes.

I opened one eye and glanced at him as I felt him move. He hovered over me and motioned his hand through the air. I raised my brow at him with a small smirk on my face.

"Sit up, little wolf," he rolled his eyes before he chuckled.

"Little wolf?" I raised my brow and giggled.

"Suits you... Now, sit up." He grinned.

I sat up as he swung his leg over the sun lounger and planted himself behind me. He grabbed my shoulders, gently pulling me back against his chest. I sighed in content, closing my eyes again.

"Do you think our deaths are still a part of the prophecy?" He whispered, running his fingers up and down my arms.

I shivered as his fingers started causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. I hadn't thought about that part of the prophecy. I didn't want to get my hopes up. The thought of dying terrifies me, but having hope and it going up in flames... that terrifies me more.

"I don't know," I replied.

"I think that part of the prophecy was bullshit." He sighed.

"Melanie was correct about everything else, though," I whispered. "We are here. We will have a daughter."

Why would she tell us that our death had been foreseen? What was she going to do when it came to the lunar eclipse, kill us herself?

The army that's forming could easy take us out if they at least tried to. We were outnumbered back home... They didn't try, and I don't understand why.

"Have a little faith, baby." He muttered against my neck as he moved my hair out of the way. "The prophecy did what we thought was impossible... It bound species together." He brushed his lips against my neck, grazing his teeth along his mark.

I hummed, craning my neck as he began planting little kisses along my neck. I love how he touches me... he's so delicate with me, but he can also be rough at times. He's a perfect balance.

"Well, it wasn't technically impossible." I moaned. "I mean, who's to say, even if we weren't mates-"

"You're my beloved," he nipped at my neck, causing my core to pulsate.

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