let me introduce you to the knight siblings

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Alarix's POV

I panicked, grabbing Lila before she could reach them. If she attacks, she won't make it out alive... none of us will.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" She screamed, flailing around in my arms.

"What are you going to do? There's too many of them." I stressed.

"If I go down, I'll take Natalia or Lenora down with me... At least I'll die knowing they can't get to you." She exploded. I sucked in a breath and tightened my arms around her. It's like she has no concern for her own life.

"Lila, calm down. I'll let you go if you promise not to attack. We won't survive it if you do." I sighed through our link.

She relaxed and leaned against me. She rested her cheek on mine and inhaled. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I'm calm now." She added.

I tangled my fingers through her hair, pulling her head back gently. "I need you alive, ok?" I declared, brushing my lips against hers gently before letting her stand on her own two feet.

A yellow light faded around us. Elias's eyes were glowing yellow as he was standing beside us. He nodded at me before focusing forward again.

"Now you have your mutt on a leash... Shall we talk?" Natalia chuckled.

Natalia was working against us all this time; she's working with people who want Lila dead. I snarled and gripped Lila's arm as Lenora smirked directly at Lila.

"How are you here?" I seethed, glaring at Lenora.

"How did you escape the king's soldiers?" Lila growled.

"When you have a powerful witch by your side, anything is possible." Lenora chuckled.

"The king is on this too, isn't he?" I snapped.

It makes perfect sense. The king lures us to France, cutting us off from everyone. It's the perfect plan to have us all at his mercy. I definitely shouldn't have trusted his friendly approach."God no, boy. The king is all for your sweet little love story and this bastard prophecy." Natalia groused.

"So... You are here today to end us?" Elias asked.

"No. This was to warn you." She rolled her eyes. "We can infiltrate you at any time, and you wouldn't know. This is only half of our army." She remarked, holding her arms out straight.

"You know when the final battle will be... You know what's going to happen. So, you need to hurry up and plant a hybrid in your mutt." She grunted.

Lila growled, her eyes flashing to black. Her claws were digging into my arm, but I didn't care as long as she stayed next to me.

"Alarix, baby, you can change your mind. Come with us, be with me." Lenora purred.

"Fuck off, Lenora. Grow up. He's not your beloved. Get over it already." Lila mocked.

"I wasn't talking to you, dog." Lenora rolled her eyes. "He was mine first." She hissed.

"I think our beautiful matching marks might have something to say about that." Lila snickered.

I could feel eyes on me; they felt familiar. My eyes wandered around until they fixated on my parents, who emerged from behind a tree. I gripped Lila's arm and sucked in a breath. I shook her arm, trying to get her attention, but she was too busy arguing with Lenora.

"You fucking marked her?" My mother screeched.

Lila's head whipped around in my parent's direction. "You can fuck off too." Lila groused. She focused her attention back on Lenora as Natalia cleared her throat.

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