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Elias' POV.

"No... that isn't right. I have a dad... Oscar is my dad." I choked.

The guy who introduced himself as Parker sighed, shaking his head at me. "I know it's hard to believe." He whispered. "I promise, it will all become clear soon."

He should have worked up to it, not just dropped it in greeting. My mind is clouded; nothing is making sense. Well, I guess one thing does make a bit of sense... the younger guy, Calvin, my brother, I look exactly like him.

"E, are you ok?" Levi whispered, taking hold of my hand.

I turned to him, shaking my head as a whimper escaped. He wrapped his arm around me as I heaved in shaky breaths. My mum had ruined countless lives. We are all victims of her cruel and twisted actions.

I had a whole other family. A dad just like me... a brother, just like me. What else have I missed?

"Is he your destined?" Calvin gasped.

I sniffled, nodding my head. I leaned up and took a deep breath. "This is Levi and his dad, Alpha Leon." I introduced them.

"You live with wolves? You're bonded to a wolf?" Calvin blustered.

I furrowed my brows as Parker grabbed Calvin's shoulder and turned him to face him. "We've spoken about this." Parker scolded.

"Parker, it's ok," I assured. "Yes, I was brought up in a pack. Levi and I are bonded. He's my destined, and I'm his mate. If you want to be technical, I currently live with two wolves and a vampire." I chuckled, trying to ease the tension.

"We were hidden away and we never got involved with anyone so we never knew the names of the species in the prophecy; we only knew the main part of the prophecy," Parker mumbled.

He took a deep breath, shaking his head. "We didn't know you were involved in the prophecy. Your mother left when she got pregnant, but never said why." He added sadly.

I shrugged and held tighter onto Levi. I didn't want to correct him; as far as Levi and I are aware, we are destined. We were meant to be.

Calvin's face dropped as he sucked in a breath. "Does Novak know?" He blurted. "Does he know you are with Levi?" He questioned.

I squeezed Levi's hand as he let out a low warning growl. "Well, I assume so. I mean, we don't exactly hide our relationship." I chuckled.

"Please excuse my son... He's just eager to get to know you." Parker sighed. "Would you like a proper tour of the camp?" He smiled at me.

I nodded and gave him a small smile. "As long as Levi and Leon can come too," I stated.

"Of course they can. I have to warn you, though, the others might not be very welcoming... Warlocks don't have a good reputation, which is misleading, but we don't associate with other species."He answered. "Having two alpha wolves inside our camp is making the residents unsettled and wary."

I get that... I understand. We have all been taught to fear each other. I grew up thinking warlocks were the bane of all evil. They probably think the same about wolves and vampires.

"Novak will be coming with us," Calvin commented as his eyes darted between Levi and me.

Why does everyone seem to enjoy pissing Levi off? Yes, Novak may have a little crush on me, but I'm taken. I'm bonded to Levi, and nothing is going to change that.

I squeezed Levi's hand before he could make a sound. I think maybe he needs to get out of here. He needs to have a break before he does something he can't take back.

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