scare tactic

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Alarix's POV

We arrived back at the castle a few hours ago. King Darius requested my presence in his chambers. I'm hoping to get some information about this whole King Alarix situation. As much as the thought of being king scared me, being here surrounded by vampires who are already treating me like their king has made me all the more excited despite the reasoning behind my becoming royal.

Novak and Elias got to work pretty much as soon as we set foot back on the castle grounds. I saw a little of what Novak could do, and I was amazed. Lila and Levi decided they would train together... Lila is a warrior; she isn't liking not doing anything. With Levi being an alpha wolf, he gives Lila a run for her money. I couldn't watch Lila being thrown about, even though she gave as good as she got, so I was glad when King Darius sent for me.

I've been in his chambers for the past ten minutes, and he hasn't uttered a word. He looks exhausted and like he's aged ten years since this morning.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The vampire that spoke to Arthur from the Shadow Pack, it was your mother." He shivered.

I snarled, clenching my hands into fists. How the hell did she know we were here? Why do they insist on ruining everything? We aren't doing any harm. The gods or whoever decide the fates of vampires wouldn't have bonded me to Lila if it wasn't supposed to be.

"Who knew you were coming here?" He questioned, quirking his brow at me.

"Apart from Lila's family and Elias' mum, I don't think anyone knew," I answered.

I know for a fact, Lila's family wouldn't have given away our location. From what we learned today about Elias' mum, I wouldn't put it past her to give up our location.

"Wait. Natalia." I snarled. "She was there when you first made the offer."

"Shit." He cursed, banging his fist on the table. "We need to have the ceremony of throne change as soon as possible." He exclaimed, rising from his seat.

"But I have no idea what it takes being a king!" I fretted.

He smiled and shook his head. "My boy, there isn't any lessons in becoming king. Go with your gut; it will always lead you right." He professed. "I wasn't of the royal family when I took over." He added.

I stared at him as he sat down again. "The previous king and queen, they lost their son twenty years ago. He was five." He remarked. "They searched for him for years but had no luck... It took a toll on their leadership. They resigned and pretty much forced me into this position, but I think I've done ok with the kingdom." He smiled.

"I had no idea. I don't remember anything about the old king and queen." I mused. "For as long as I can remember, you've always ruled."

He ran his hand down his face and sighed. "They live on the other side of France. No one sees them anymore." He explained. "But enough about that... Will Lila be ok with a quicker ceremony?" He questioned.

"I'll speak to her, but I don't think she will object," I answered. "How will we be safer if I'm king?" I asked.

He grinned at me and leaned back in his chair. He looked like he'd been waiting for me to ask this question. "Ah, you see... You will gain power, not only of the vampires but of wolves too because of Lila and Levi. With Elias by your side, you gain power over some if not most witches." He explained.

"It sounds more like a scare tactic." I sighed.

"If it secures your daughter's life and maybe yours too, is that so bad?" He raised his brow. "Be just and fair; you soon will gain their respect and trust." He added.

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