i would rather live without her

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Alarix POV

I can't focus.

I can't stop my fangs from extending randomly.

I can't sit still.

I feel like I can't fucking breathe.

Ever since I saw her in the forest... She's all I can think of. I knew she was my beloved. I know it was foretold... That is all I know. My parents ordered me to leave after the seer began speaking. I was intrigued that a wolf is my beloved; my parents soon put a stop to that.

They forbade it... They said I wasn't going to disgrace their bloodline with a wolf.

I know what happens when you don't listen.

Her wolf was stunning. She was bigger than I expected, not that I expected much as I haven't really seen a wolf before. But her human side... Fuck, she was something else altogether.

When she jumped out at me, I couldn't believe it. I knew she hadn't taken a chosen mate. I could smell her innocence which only fucked with my head even more.

My father told me she would... ′A werewolf will not accept a vampire into its pack... She will take a chosen mate.

Obviously, he hasn't got a clue.

She's real.

She's mine.

She's my beloved, and I fucking ran away.

Hearing her broken howl brought me to my knees. I had to go back... I had to speak to her. I wasn't expecting to find her... Naked, hiding under a tree. Talking to her was out of the question. I knew if I heard her voice, I'd claim her there and then, and that can't happen.

I grunted and picked my jacket up from my bed. I need to see her just one last time... I'm fast enough I could get away without hearing her voice.

I pulled my jacket on and walked out of my bedroom. "Alarix..." Celeste tutted, shaking her head.

"Don't start, Cel." I groaned.

"Oh, baby bro... I hoped it would have been different for you." She smiled sadly at me. "Listen, you should feed before you go to her." She whispered.

I told Celeste as soon as I found her. I didn't know what to do. So, I sat in my sister's room, crying on her fucking shoulder. She knows exactly how I'm feeling; she understands the pull. I know she wouldn't tell our parents and I'm glad I have someone to talk to about her.

She spun me around and pointed down the hallway. I followed her finger and groaned. A woman was leaning against the wall with her back to us.

"She is here for Athan... But you can have her. She knows why she's here, and she's willing." She murmured.

I hissed, spinning around. "You know I don't feed on humans," I snapped. "Athan can have her... I'm sure he'll be happy with her." I grumbled.

I watched as Athan, my brother, stepped out of his room completely naked. I rolled my eyes as I heard the woman make an awful moaning sound. He winked at us before leading the woman into his room.

"You know you will be stronger if-" I growled, and she pressed her lips together. "I'm just thinking about you, Rix." She sighed.

I nodded and groaned. "Try and stay away from her... If mother and father found out, I'm afraid for yours and her life." She whispered.

"I need to see her again, Cel. The bond is eating me up on the inside." I whimpered. She nodded sadly at me.

I know she understands, and I know what she is saying is true. If mother and father knew I'd found her... If they knew I was longing for her.

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