as long as he turns into something

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Levi's POV

"If I ever see him, I'm going to kill him!" I snarled.

I was pacing back and forth in the room Luna Mila has set up for Lila. Elias and I are waiting for her. She's going to say she needs to be alone, but I know her... No matter what she says, she doesn't like being alone. She doesn't want to seem like a burden.

"Baby, how's your magic coming along?" I whipped my head around and lifted my brow at him.

He furrowed his brows at me, "It depends on what you want?" He shrugged.

I groaned, pushing my hand through my hair. "Anything is good at this point," I snorted.

I hate that Lila is hurting... I can sense it through our bond. She never shuts her bond down no matter what, and I'm grateful because then I know if something is wrong even when she says she's fine.

"If he wants to act like a little fucking-" I smirked at him, and a wicked grin smeared across my face.

He bounced off the bed with a smirk on his face. He rushed over to me and paused in front of me. "Tell me... We can fuck with his head for fucking with our Lila." He snickered.

I gazed at him in awe. I love how close he is to Lila. We all grew up together, she's four years older, but it doesn't seem like it when we're all together.

"Could you turn him into a bat?" I guffawed.

His eyes sparkled with mischievousness, and I flung my head back laughing. "I mean, I could try, but I can't promise what would happen to him." He exulted, rubbing his hands together.

"As long as he turns into something." I cackled.

"Who?" Lila asked as she stood in the doorway. I slowly turned to Lila and smirked at her. "And what are both doing here?" She lifted her brow as she came further into the room and shut the door.

"We want to make sure you're ok... And we're staying with you." I bubbled.

She groaned, but I could see the slight curl of her lips. She was relieved; I could feel it. She would never ask for someone to stay with her... She likes to be independent.

"We were deciding what I can do to your mate," Elias commented.

Her head snapped to us, and she raised her brows. "Do I even want to know?" She giggled.

"I want to kill him," I declared, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Levi... He's a vampire." She hummed. "You would have to catch him first, and, believe me, he's fast." She rolled her eyes.

I chortled and shook my head. "Eh, that's easy... Elias, here, can turn him into a snail and then I could squash him like the little insect he is." I quipped.

She sucked in her bottom lip. She was trying not to laugh. Elias was sagging against the wall, laughing soundlessly as he heaved for breath. She released her lip, and we all fell about laughing.

Once I'd calmed down, I planted my hands on her shoulder. "No, seriously though, are you ok?" I doubted, searching her eyes.

She was miserable; that much was evident.

She nodded her head and smiled, but it didn't touch her eyes. I circled my hands around her and crushed her against me.

I forget sometimes; I'm her little brother. I want to protect her and keep her from ever getting hurt. I feel like I'm about to explode... I want to go and find that vampire and pummel him until he changes his stupid mind and comes and claims Lila as his beloved. She deserves the world, and he's the only one that could give her the same ′sickly love′ that I have.

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