if we aren't together...

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Levi's POV.

"Papa, c'est ma compagne." One of the son's whispered.

"Ce n'est pas possible, fils." The alpha gasped. "Pourquoi penses-tu cela." He continued.

I pulled my phone out and quickly pulled up Google. I typed in a translator and pressed the mic button. If they were going to talk in French, I wanted to know what they were saying.

"Mon loup la veut." The son spoke.

"My wolf wants her," I whispered, translating. I furrowed my brows and watched as the alpha seemed to get defensive over that statement.

"Arthur, elle a un compagnon. Êtes-vous sûr?" The alpha sighed.

"What did he say?" Lila asked. I glanced down at my phone and gasped as I read it.

"Arthur, she's got a mate. Are you sure?" I answered.

"Are they talking about me?" She gasped. "Are you talking about me?" She blurted, glancing at them.

"Papa, je jure sur ma vie... C'est ma compagne." The son, Arthur, shouted.

"Someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Lila growled.

"Dad, I swear on my life... She's my mate." I translated.

Does he think Lila is his mate? How is that even possible? Lila is mated...

"I'm sorry about my son." The Alpha sighed.

"Why is he saying Lila is his mate?" I questioned. "She's mated to Alarix." I drawled. I kept the translator active just in case Arthur decided to carry on ranting.

"C'est ma putain de pote. Pas ce vampire." Arthur growled, lunging forward.

"She's my fucking mate. Not that vam-"

I clutched Alarix's shirt, yanking him backwards. "Don't," I warned.

He couldn't go attacking the alpha's son no matter how much he deserves it. Starting a war with another pack is a bad move, especially when we already have a life or death war brewing.

"Your son can't sense that I'm his mate," Lila rolled her eyes. "I'm already marked. Even if Alarix wasn't my mate, this mark cancels out anyone ever laying a claim on me." Lila growled.

"Alpha Hugo, que se passe-t-il ? Pourquoi votre fils dit-il ces choses?" King Darius asked.

"Alpha Hugo, what's going on? Why is your son saying these things?" I relayed.

I really need to learn French. It could make situations like these easier if I knew what the fuck they were saying. In fact, we should all learn French. It will make our stay here a little smoother.

"Je ne sais pas, votre majesté. Je vais découvrir quand même." The alpha responded.

"I don't know, your majesty. I will find out, though." I moved forward, stepping in between the others. I held my phone out, so they could all read the translation.

"Papa, je devais le faire. Vous ne comprenez pas." Arthur muttered. (Dad, I had to do it. You don't understand.)

"What don't we understand?" Lila asked.

"You understand me?" He choked.

Lila nodded and went to step forward. Alarix held his arm in front of her, shaking his head. Lila took a deep breath and nodded before standing back beside him.

"Rogue... Um... Rogue tell me." He murmured.

"We have to get out of here." I blurted, shoving my phone in my pocket.

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