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Levi's POV.

I held Elias's hand, stroking my thumbs back and forth over his knuckles. He was laid in our bed gazing at the ceiling. It was like he was completely oblivious to his surroundings. He was rigid, and I could hear him grinding his teeth together.

I studied my eyes over his body. He had no physical injuries that I could see. Whatever had happened to him, it was more mental. Whoever he had met in the forest had said something to him... something bad enough for him to shut down.

He was hurting. I could see it on his face and in his eyes. His eyes were red and puffy, and from the tear blotches on his cheeks, he'd been sobbing. My heart shattered knowing he was alone for so long crying in the forest.

It took me one hour to find him... one whole fucking hour of running around in a craze searching for him. He had concealed his scent before leaving the castle grounds, so I couldn't even track him, but that also meant, whoever he was meeting, wouldn't have been able to track his scent back to the castle.

King Darius had sent for a doctor that specialises in different species, so treating a warlock shouldn't be a problem. The only problem I can see occurring is if it is indeed mental... There's not a lot he could do. It would be up to Elias to get through it.

I wish I knew what was wrong. I could help him through it. He's my mate. No matter what gets forced at us, we get through it together. That's how it's always been, and that's never going to change.

Hopefully, we'll know more after the doctor has examined him.

"How is he? Is there any change?" Lila asked as she poked her head around the door.

I inhaled shakily, shaking my head. She came over to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, resting her head on top of mine.

"What could have been so bad that it made him shut down?" I whimpered. "Lila, his heart rate keeps racing, and he looks like he's whimpering at times," I whispered.

"Levi, he's strong. Whatever happened, he will overcome it." She muttered, stroking my hair like my mum would do when I was a pup.

"Do we have any leads?" I questioned, glancing up at her.

She took a deep breath, holding her gaze on Elias for a few more seconds before concentrating on me. "Alarix and I tracked scents... At least two witches." She whispered.

"His mum?" I gasped.

"I don't know," she shrugged wistfully. "I didn't recognise the scents... but that doesn't mean she wasn't."

There is no way two random witches have got inside his head and crushed him. This is his mum... his mum has done this. She's traumatised him more than he already was about her past.

He doesn't deserve any of this. He's the kindest person I have ever met. He would put anyone before himself. He's not like his mum at all; he would never hurt someone like this.

"I need him to get better... I need to know what's happened so I can fix it." I whined.

"I know, Levi." She murmured soothingly, enveloping both arms around me and swaying gently back and forth.

"Levi, the doctor is here." King Darius announced as he strode into the room.

I hummed in response, never taking my eyes off Elias. "Lila, I need to speak with you... It's about your parents." The king whispered.

"I'll come," I grunted, standing up.

As much as I didn't want to leave him, I knew I had to. If I stay in here while the doctor prods and pokes him, I may lose it.

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