she's not a dog

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Alarix's POV.

"Rix, where the fuck are you?" Celeste hissed.

I held the phone away from my ear as she ranted on the other end. I was mindlessly walking home; I've been walking for about two hours... I can't get Lila out of my head, but I want to keep her there. Engraved into my mind like a tattoo.

I chuckled at Celeste before resting it against my ear again. "Have you finished?" I giggled.

"Oh, for fuck sake... You spoke to her, didn't you?" She complained.

"I tried my hardest not to, but she spoke first. She lured me in without even realising." I groaned. "Cel, she's amazing. Wolves aren't as father described at all." I sighed.

I heard her take a deep breath and let it out exasperatedly. "I didn't think they would be. Alarix, you know they'll never allow it." She murmured.

"Which is why I need your help," I stated.

I don't know what I was thinking... There's no way I was ever going to stay away from her. Even if I never heard her voice, I would have gone back. I'm utterly smitten with her.

"Tell me what you need, Rix." She sighed.

I love that she is prepared to go against our parents for me. It's not an easy thing to do in our clan. My father is the head of the clan. He won't hesitate to punish any of his children if we disrespect him or go against his wishes.

"I'm coming home, but I'm not staying. I need you to pack some of my clothes for me and pack the dust that masks our scent." I remarked.

She drew in a sharp breath. "You're leaving, aren't you?" She whispered.

"I'm going back to Lila," I whispered back. I'm not sure why I whispered; it's not like anyone is here and can hear me.

Saying her name awakened feelings I've never had. I wanted to spin around and run back to her, but I couldn't not until I have the dust that will mask my scent, so my parents can't track me.

If they do find me, I'll be miles away from them, living happily with my beloved.

"She's got a beautiful name, Rix." Celeste cooed. "I'll pack you some basics. Alarix, be careful." She sniffled.

"Cel, she's stunning. She wasn't what I was expecting at all." I swooned. "Listen, I'm nearly home. I'll come to your room... Make sure you're alone." I deadpanned.

She chuckled and hummed before ending the call. I walked so fast down our street; I was nearly running.

I was keen to get to her. I needed to hear her voice again, to see her face light up when she realises I'm coming with her. I needed to let her know I want her. I ache to hear her say my name... That I should have given her.

I craved to kiss her perfect lips. The desire to feed on her was almost too much... I've been told there's no sensation in the world that would match feeding on your beloved.

I wanted everything... I wanted her to be mine, fully.

Because, fuck, I'm already hers.

I approached my door and sharpened my hearing. There was no movement whatsoever, so I was safe. I took a deep breath before opening the front door.

I stepped into the darkness and quietly shut the door. I breathed out in relief and leaned my forehead on the door.

"Alarix, where have you been?" Mother scolded, making me flinch.

"Oh, you're still awake... I thought you'd be in bed after your feed." I mentioned, pushing off the door. I couldn't see her, but I knew she was waiting for her perfect movement to turn the light on.

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