gut-wrenching, heartbreakingly, soul-destroying

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Levi's POV.

I followed Mum as she continued leading me through the hallways. She's on edge and nervous about something. I can sense it through our bond and the fact that she keeps giving me sad sideways glances. Whatever she has found out is bad enough for her to have travelled across the country.

"Mum," I groaned. "Come on. I want to get back to Elias... I want to be there when he wakes up." I sighed.

She peered at me over her shoulder and shook her head. "It won't be long, I promise. Your dad and I need to talk to you." She muttered.

I suppose the quicker I cooperate and do as I'm told, the quicker I can get back to Elias and stop these ridiculous thoughts he's having. I continued following Mum like a good little pup, occasionally sighing before she stopped in front of two large wooden doors.

She turned to face me, taking a deep breath. "What we are about to tell you isn't going to be easy to hear." She attested as she placed her hands on my arms and stared at me.

"Got it. Keep my wolf on a tight leash." I replied with a smile.

She took a deep breath before she pushed open the double doors. I went in after her, scanning my eyes around. We were in a conference room. Dad was sitting next to King Darius with Lila and Alarix opposite them. It seemed very formal.

Dad's glanced at me and gave me a tight smile before his expression faltered, and he glared at the table. King Darius looked as stoic as ever. His eyes were fixed on the table, never once looking in my direction. At least Lila and Alarix looked as clueless as I felt.

"Sit next to Lila, Levi," Dad instructed, pointing to the empty chair next to Lila.

I moved around the table, stopping behind the chair he pointed to. I pulled the chair out before sitting down and glancing at Lila. She smiled, shrugging at me before we both focused on our parents.

"We think... We think we know what's wrong with... Elias." Dad stammered, fiddling with his hands on the table.

I furrowed my brows at them as Mum dragged in a deep breath, gripping onto my dad's hand. "We need to tell you what Awena said. It will explain Elias' condition." Mum croaked.

They both exchanged awkward looks between themselves before Mum took a deep breath. "Leon... I can't tell him," Mum whimpered.

I reached my hand over the huge table, placing my hand over Mum's. "It's ok, Mum. Did she tell you the prophecy?" I asked, smiling reassuringly at her.

Mum stared at me, looking like she wanted to burst into tears. I glanced at Dad, watching as he swallowed hard and nodded.

"Ok... Tell us exactly what she said." I deadpanned, pulling my hand away.

I was getting worried now. They were both focused on me, like the whole prophecy was about me... which I know it's not. What could be worse than one we've already heard? They can't foresee our death twice.

"Lila Morris and Alarix King are to be mated. Levi Morris and Melanie Brooker are to be mated together. The unity will disrupt species, but not all is lost. Two special beings will be born because of this unity. Princess Alora King and Nate Morris will be the first hybrid children. But that didn't happen. Levi Morris isn't mated to his destined. But still, not all is lost. Levi Morris has a new destiny with his chosen destined. The hybrid princess, along with the prophets, will be the key to stopping the war."

I fell back into the chair and gaped at them. Surely I heard them wrong. My mind was trying to catch up with what they said... my brain trying to come up with different things to overlap what they said.

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