vampire versus dark wolf

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Elias' POV

"What do you mean?" I gasped.

"I don't fucking think so." Levi snapped.

"Why not somewhere hot? Chamonix in France is freezing." Lila questioned.

"I don't understand." Alarix choked.

"Kids, listen to him." Alpha Leon sighed.

We are all in the conference room for the meeting with the king. Levi and Lila are sat next to me, with Alarix seated next to Lila. The King, the seer and the witch are opposite us. The Alpha, Luna and Beta are sat at the head of the table.

"We need to get you out of here as soon as possible. There's an army assembling to take you down... They're coming." King Darius shot, glowering at us.

"It's not like we aren't ready for them," Levi growled. I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed. "We've been training our entire life for this," I argued.

"Witches, wolves and vampires have joined together." Natalia sighed. "We are not equipped to fight against them... We don't have the numbers." She continued.

I don't know about the vampires or the witches, but I know we have enough wolves to create an army. Neighbouring packs would join us.

"So, what's your solution? Send us to France?" I chuckled before rolling my eyes.

"My home is in France. I won't be leaving without at least Lila. She needs to be safe." King Darius grunted.

"So, you're saying you'll use force if required?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. I dug my fingers into Levi's thigh to stop him from moving. It was also to ground me... I couldn't lose control. Not here, not now.

"You aren't taking her anywhere." Alarix hissed.

"Melanie informed me about your prophecy." He noted, focusing on Lila.

I peered towards the head of the table. Alpha Leon and Luna Ayla were looking at each other sadly. I looked over at Lila as she dragged in ragged gasps.

"Is there more to the prophecy?" Levi and I asked at the same time. Whatever it is, isn't good. It upset both the Alpha and Luna, Lila looks heartbroken, and Alarix seems defeated.

Lila was gripping the table so hard it was splintering. Alarix covered his hands over hers and forced her to look at him. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. She visibly relaxed and slumped against his chest.

"In the final battle between species, Alarix will sacrifice himself, and I'll have one heir... A hybrid." Lila murmured, clinging onto Alarix. "The King will offer me something that is going to be paramount to my survival." She appended with a sigh.

I gaped at them and sucked in a harsh breath. How is this fair? I mean, first, they bond different species together, which is incredible because I love that my destined is a wolf. But now, the fates are going to rip away Lila's happiness... How is any of this fair?

"Is this the offer that will save my daughter?" Alpha Leon asked.

King Darius shook his head and sighed. "No... The offer she can decline; this she can't. It's in her best interest that she comes." He answered.

He seems so calm. Not only that, he doesn't seem so phased at all, considering he just declared in the presence of five wolves that he's going to force someone to do something.

"She doesn't have to do anything you say." Alarix snarled. "Say she does go, and this army turns up... What if they kill us all?"

"Well, have you completed your bond?" He asked as his eyes flitted between their necks.

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