Chapter 53 Nathan's POV

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I lead my mum out fuming with her. How dare she speak about my peaches like that.
"You will never speak to Nataliya like that again, do I make myself clear. We are done!" I tell her and usher her out the door closing it on her gawking face. How fucking dare she!
I can't lose peaches because of my mother. It won't happen or come to that. Will it? Absolutely not!
I walk back into the kitchen and see peaches sat there with her head in her hands.
"Well that went well" she says and I sigh.
"I'm sorry baby for all of this you made a massive effort today and I'm so proud of you she caused this and nothing she says is true. I love you peaches" I say the last part quietly and she looks up at me tear stricken and my heart hurts for her. The things my mother said about my peaches.
"I love you Nathan but.." she starts and I stop her crouching down infront of her.
"Dont say it please. I'm sorry she said those things to you but I don't think any of them" I tell her honestly. I wouldn't change her for the world.
"Are you sure? You want to move and marry me is that so you can change me into her? She said she was like me. Are you like your dad?" she asks me and I'm taken back by her tone. Whoa what did I do?
"No absolutely not. I love you for you. If you want to stay here in this house forever then that's what we'll do because I don't care I just want to give you whatever you want, desire. Because I can and I won't apologise for that" I tell her and she pushes back standing up.
"I don't want you to apologise Nathan. I want you without the drama" she says and I grab her hands.
"That's all I've ever wanted peaches. I'm ready. I want us to move away.. Far away from all this shit" I tell her and she just stares at me.
"Are you not listening to me Nathan" she says and I think fuck is she going to leave me is this where this is going all because of someone else. What can I do to fix this? This problem I didn't create. Fuck!
"Are you not listening to me. I love you and want you nothing else matters peaches" I say to her and she sighs.
"Please believe me when I tell you that beautiful, its us first and foremost" I tell her and she nods slowly.
"Talk to me peaches don't let anyone ruin this" I say to her and she sighs again.
"Your mother hates me Nathan. How is that a good thing?" she says and I sigh.
"I don't care. All that matters is how I feel about you and you about me" I tell her and she looks up at me.
"I suppose we can't please everyone" she says and I smile at her.
"Your dad loves me and that's all that matters to me" I tell her and she smiles.
"Let's rewind to before she came. We was happy" she says and I nod wrapping her up holding her tightly. Pulling back kissing her as she smiles.
"I love you peaches" I tell her and she kisses me.
"I love you too Bubba" she says making me feel better. Its been Nathan this Nathan that.. Fucking hell.
"Shall we clear all this up and have a stronger drink?" I ask her and she nods pulling away and that's it conversation over.

After cleaning up the whole kitchen and putting everything away we sit down in the living room with a bottle of bourbon and watch a movie while I order a Chinese.
Scrolling through a bunch of options I grab a little of most things and place the order.
"Foods ordered, how you feeling baby?" I ask her and she sips her drink.
"I'm better now that we're alone" she says and I kiss her forehead and she cuddles into me watching the TV.
I thought I'd lost her for a moment. My heart was slowly shattering and I don't know how I'd handle it again. I can't lose her.

Half way through the film the door knocks and opens and Vanessa and Jaxon appear in the doorway.
"Hi babe, you OK?" Vanessa says to peaches and she just nods.
"Did you meet Nathan's mum?" She asks her and she nods and smiles. Weird.
"She loves me" she tells us and I feel my blood boil.
"And you slapped her.. And you Nathan you just allowed her to hit your mother" Jaxon says pissed and peaches stands up and looks at him.
"Actually his mother called me trash called my house trash. Went at Nathan for being with me and how disappointed she and his dad is in him so yeah I slapped that bitch. After the way she's treated him. And of course your defending her when she's not even your mother. Your supposed to be his best friend Jaxon and you let his mum mother you instead of her own son, when he needed her your a fucking joke" peaches tells him and I just let her because everything she's saying is true. He didn't stop her.
"I couldn't stop her for being proud of me. What was I supposed to do?" Jaxon asks and I sigh.
"Do you not think I know the way your mum treats you? Do you not think I fucking see it Nathan. What the fuck do you want from me?" Jaxon yells at me and I raise my brow at him
"I wanted my best friend to be my fucking best friend and have my back not get lost in my mother's fucking love and praise. What was your mum not good enough" I spit annoyed with him now.
"I fucking tried she was just never proud of you, you chose to run a gym instead of living up to your potential when I was off traveling the world doing something" he says and just stares at me.
He's fucking warped by her. Fuck..
"Look I don't wanna argue with you bro, I just don't appreciate Nataliya hitting Shelia OK" he says and I roll my eyes.
"Well she deserved it for the way she spoke to my peaches" I tell him not fazed by his anger.
"I can't believe she actually spoke to you like that then had the audacity to come and be all nice to my face. What a bitch. Sorry Nathan but she is" Vanessa says and I nod sighing.
"I can't even blame you for thinking that, peaches is your best friend. You have her back" I tell her looking straight at Jaxon and he sighs putting his head down. Good he should feel shit just like I do. And my peaches.

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