Chapter Ten

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Nataliya's Pov

As sweat drips down my forehead, I come to a stop and turn to see Nathan stopping aswell, heavy breathing as he sits up. I stand and I make my way over to him wiping my face with the towel and smiling at him.
"Enjoy the show?" he teases me,  raising a brow and I bite my lip. Absolutely he was making me hotter.
"Nothing could of made me happier" I tell him and he laughs.
"Good to know beautiful.. Well, times up, we need to stretch you" he says and inside I'm bouncing with joy. The best part.
"Okay" I tell him and walk over to the mat and lay down. He comes over, positioning himself in between my legs and lifting them one at a time. Why do we have to be wearing clothes. He'd slide right into me at this point.
He pushes on my thigh rubbing his hands all over me and I can't help the moan that escapes. I want him.
"Feel good?" he asks massaging up and down my thigh.
"So good" I tell him with my eyes closed.
I open my eyes slowly and keep them cast down seeing his dick hard, and making me want him more.
"I want you now" I tell him and he smirks and leand over me, pressing his lips to mine like he's being waiting to do so. Waiting for me to tell him.
He hooks his thumbs into my boxers and pulls them down my legs and thows them to the side, he does the same with his shorts and boxers and frees his mouth watering dick to me. He lifts my thighs bringing my ass up and enters me leaning down over me.
"Fuck!" I moan feeling him throb as he's still entering me deeper.
He rolls his hips into me and I arch my back feeling him in my belly and cry out.
He starts to pull out and thrust back in again, working my wetness over him and I moan as he starts to fill me again getting faster.
"FUCK. Yess" I moan and I thrust back against him. 
He hovers over me and kisses me while pushing in deeper and sliding out before slamming back in hitting my gspot hard.
"FUCKKK!" I scream as I cum and he continues to fuck into me. I watch how his face contours with pleasure and squeezes his eyes shut.
"Fuck, fuck!" he pulls out to cum into his hand. Oh my god we didn't use a condom.
"Sorry Nataliya baby. I just remembered last second and pulled out. Am I gonna need to keep condoms on me at all times with you" he teases and I nod grinning making him smirk.
"Let's go wash up beautiful" he says onces hes done and I'm finally going home. I've missed my new house.
"I'm going home, I need to check in on my manager back at my other shop. She should be closing up today" I tell him as I get dressed and he nods at me grabbing his clothes and walking into the bathroom over in the corner.
Fixing my wayward hair, I smile to myself moving out here is turning out to be good for me.
"I'll walk you out beautiful, if you're going now?" he asks me and I nod.
"I miss my house already" I tell him and he laughs shaking his head at me.
"My keys are in the hallway" I tell him and make my way up the steps as he follows me.
"Such a sexy ass baby" he tells me and spanks it making it wobble.
"FUCK" he grits out and I smile to myself. Atleast he likes what he sees.
Walking out the basement door I head towards my keys and stop looking at myself in his full length mirror. I look a mess. Wow.
"You look beautiful. Don't worry so much" he tells me and I try to tame my hair in the mirror. I fix the twisted t-shirt over my body and turn to look at Nathan.
"Well.. Thanks for the workout" I tell him smirking and he kisses me.
"Remember our date. Tonight 7pm" he tells me and I smile
"I'll be ready handsome, what do I even wear? We're you taking me?" I ask running my fingers through his hair.
"Wear anything you want, you'll look beautiful but I'm taking you to a restaurant that I think you'll love so do with that as you may" he tells me and I smile. He's going all out.
"Okay, I'm sure I have something for that type of occasion" I tell him as he smiles and kisses me again.
Pulling apart he opens the door and escorts me out.
"7pm beautiful" he tells me as I walk out the door. I give him a little wave and smile.
"Yes, Nathan" I say and open my door. I turn to see him still watching me and smile as I close the door behind me locking it back up. I make my way up the stairs and straight to the bathroom and strip. I seriously need another shower. Turning it on I climb in and wash my hair first. Lathering it up before I rinse and repeat, then applying conditioner.
I shave everything and use my honey cremé to wash my body and repeatedly doing so and rinse of as I let the water run over my smooth skin before turning the water off ready to step out. I wrap my hair in a towel and dry my body thoroughly. Grabbing my moisturizer I cream everywhere and walk into my bedroom butt naked and pull out shorts and a sports bra until I find my outfit for my date with the hot Nathan.

Rummaging through a shit load of clothes I find something I bought while in London. Pulling it out to look at it properly, I smile huge. This is it. The perfect outfit.
I check the time and it's only 3pm. Four long hours.. I'll text the girls.

Casey/Vanessa Group Chat:

Me: Oh my god guess what? 😂😍

Casey: I'm listening..

Vanessa: Me too tell us..

Me: I'm going on a date tonight.. With my hot neighbour!

Vanessa: Oh my god YESSS! YOU GO GIRL! 🎉 X

Casey: I'm so happy for you. I hope it goes great. ❤️ X

Me: Thanks girls I have the perfect outfit. I'll send a picture when I'm ready. X

Casey: I'll be down next weekend as well babe. Can't wait to see you love you babe 😘

Vanessa: I hope he's good for you babe. I'll come down too with Casey we'll set something up and let you know love ya and have lots of fun 😉 X

Me: I love you both too I'll see you soon X

Me: We agreed just sex but I'm thinking he wants more than that. Do you think I'm ready to be in a relationship. It's been six months and I'm so over Kyle babes.

Vanessa: If your over Kyle and you like this mystery guy then go for it babe. He could be the one, you never know unless you try. I say do it X

Casey: I think you should just take it slow babe. Go on this date and let him woo you. But if he's A+ in bed keep him because I might take him.. 😂😂

Me: He's mine bitch back off! And I like him. He's been so nice to me and he's amazing in the sack. Like seriously I actually finally orgasmed through sex. I'm liking him so much girls. I've spent most of my time with him. I need yall to meet him and help me figure this out X

Casey: Oh my fucking God. Keep him babes. Not many can do that. I can't wait to meet him we'll do something when we're down babe. I gotta run my breaks over. Love you X

Vanessa: I'm so happy for you! You need to listen to Casey and I when we say hold on to him. Not every man's like two minute Kyle. You can do this beautiful. Call me when your back later, love you X

Pulling up Katie's number, I dial her and check in.
"Hey hun. I'm just packing up now. I'm nearly done then I'll send the keys back" she tells me soon as she answers and I smile. Thank God I have her.
"Thanks babe, it means a lot that you stayed on to do that for me, have you decided to join me out here yet?" I ask her and she laughs.
"I'll give it a trial run, see how I like it. But I'm staying with you" she tells me and I laugh she can I'm mostly at Nathan's anyways.
"That's fine babe, pack up some clothes and drive up. You already have my address" I tell her and she hums at me.
"I'll bring the stuff you left behind with me too. I'll be down in two week. I'll help you set up shop. I'm so excited now" she says and I smile. I love Katie. She's great.
"Okay hun, well I'll let you finish and call me when your coming and I'll cook something" I tell her and she hums again.
"Okay,  I'm looking forward to it. Bye babe" she says and we hang up.
I can't wait for her to come down. I hope she stays down here. I just have to convince Casey and Vanessa now.

His Peaches ✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt