Home is a place Vienna hates. As shitty as Hogwarts may seem, home will always be worse. No matter how much hate she receives at Hogwarts, she will always receive more at home.

She hates coming back to school after half terms with bruises all over her. She hates making excuses for them. Every time someone asks "how did you get that?" or "Is everything okay at home?" Vienna wants to scream. She wants to cry. She wants to ask them for help. But she can't. She doesn't know how. She doesn't know what love is, so she doesn't know how to show it. She doesn't know how to react to kindness, because she is rarely shown it, and when she is shown it, she pushes them away. Makes her self seem cruel.

The reason behind her bruises is because of her father.

Her family used to be happy. She can't remember it, but she knows it was good at the one point. When Vienna's mum died, her father took his grief out on her. Vienna was almost a spitting image of her mother. So her father hated her. He blamed her. Even though her mother died in a car accident. At least that is what she tells them. He still blamed her. Even though Vienna was four when her mother died.

Ever since her dad would abuse her. He probably didn't mean to. It was the alcohol's fault Vienna told herself. Her father has been drunk for years. Never sober. Always intoxicated.

Vienna is just waiting for the day when the alcohol finally kills him.


Natalie is one of few people who Vienna likes. Natalie and Vienna have been best of friends since they were babies. They started as family friends, only ever seeing each other when their family would meet up. Or at birthday and Christmas parties. But when they both started their first year at Hogwarts, they grew closer.

Natalie is also the only one who knows what Vienna's father does to her. She hates him. Despises him. Wishes death on him. Wants nothing more than to watch him slowly wither away until his last breath is drawn.

She wants to help Vienna escape her father but Vienna insists that everything is okay and that she can take care of herself.


Friends are something that Vienna convinces herself she hasn't got. But in fact, she does. She has a small friend group consisting of a few people. All alike. They all get on with each other. All love causing trouble and making memories. All love doing the most fun things together. Like sneaking out of Hogwarts in the middle of the night and going to the small town called Hogsmeade and stealing alcohol from the shops. Then sneaking onto the highest rooftop and getting drunk. They have the most laughs with each other.

When they are together their problems seem to fade away.

They all have each others back. Whenever a Gryffindor calls them a "low life" or tells them how shitty their lives are, the rest of the group will always snap back. Harder.

Even Draco Malfoy, who is a cold-hearted bully who cares about no one but himself.

Although that is what he convinces himself.


Draco is someone you don't want to get on the bad side of. The only reason he hasn't been expelled yet is because of his father who is feared by almost everyone. Draco gets into fights every week. Has detention almost every day and very rarely will he show up to them. He always got bruised knuckles.

He fucks girls but never falls for them. Never likes them or finds them pretty. He has girls who he would be counted as fuckable and girls who are not.

It sounds disrespectful like he disrespects girls. But that is not what he is, he has broken a boys leg for drugging a girl and attempting to rape her. He didn't know the girl. Didn't know what house she was in. Didn't know her name. He can't even remember what she looked like. Bit it doesn't matter. He watched the boy put the pill into her cup. He watched her body go weak and her fall unconscious in the boy's arm. He watched him carry her out of the room and down a corridor.

Draco didn't hesitate to follow him and then break his leg and punch his face so much, he almost looked unrecognisable.

And he'd do it again.

No man should ever hurt a girl. It doesn't make sense to him.

His father abused his mother up until she died. Maybe that's why he is so against it.


Vienna and Draco never really spoke much. Although they where in the same friend group, they never spoke much. He never really took notice of her until the day he saw the bruise on her neck and how anxious she got when asked about it...

Draco didn't find girls pretty. He didn't care for catching feelings for girls. He didn't date. He didn't know what his type was. But if he did.

Vienna would definitely not be his type.


Because she is just like him. Just as cruel. Just as selfish. Just as unlovable.


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