Start from the beginning

Releasing me from her hug, she looks over at Isla, who is quietly looking around the room, "you are also too skinny. Do you not eat?"

Turning her head to make eye contact, Isla shrugs, "I eat."

"That she does," I tell Cook, "she must have worms cause she can pack away more food than most linebackers."

"Well girls, tonight I am making all your favorites Erin, including Mac and Cheese, much to the Master's displeasure. So that will help you both put some more meat on your bones."

Chuckling, we say our goodbyes to Cook and move back towards the second floor, where we now find ourselves.

Cracking my neck, my muscles tight from all the walking, I move to return to our wing when Isla reaches out and grabs my hand. "What is down there?"

I turn to see where she is pointing and internally groan, "that's Alexei's quarters," I reply.

"So much space for one person?" Isla asks, curiosity filling her voice.

"Well, there are several other rooms, most of them vacant," I mention, feeling a shiver run down my spine as I contemplate my future quarters, which will be adjacent to his once we're bonded. "His study is also situated there, off-limits to everyone else, and the only place with internet access," I elaborate. "I only step inside when Alexei is present, though. He keeps it locked when he's away." This is something I've discovered firsthand, having attempted to gain unauthorized entry on more than one occasion. "And then there's the second-floor entrance to the library, which I imagine occupies a significant portion of the floor plan."

"Library?" Isla's voice perks up with excitement. "Can we see?"

I roll my eyes at my sister and gesture resignedly with my hands. "Sure, let's go."

We walk in silence down the massive corridor, noting that Alexei must have had the wards adjusted to allow Isla access. The West Wing is the most secure section of the Manor, and most people cannot get past the entrance without being repelled when they try to gain access.

I halt when we reach the large double oak doors leading to the private entrance of the library. Turning the handle, I push the doors open wide and am startled when Isla gasps at the sheer size of the room. "Wow, girl, I usually can't get any reaction out of you. But bring you to a room full of books, and you're practically wet yourself."

Isla spins around to glare at me, her expression fierce. Her hands rest firmly on her hips as she declares, "Books are knowledge. Knowledge is power, sister."

My sister, the nerd!

I step into the room, meeting her glare with a playful one of my own. "I know that, but books are boring," I tease, watching the frustration grow in her eyes as I chuckle. "Oh, and remember, no sister while we're here."

"Sorry," she murmurs, her voice a little sheepish as she moves around the room and towards the far wall, which has the floor-to-wall windows covered in thick heavy drapes, revealing only a fraction of the outside.

Approaching one of the large shelves, Isla pauses at the entrance to another set of oak doors. They are closed, and I know they will be locked. Tilting her head, Isla moves closer as if she is studying the door then turns. "What's in there?" She asks, her voice almost a whisper.

"That, my curious one, is an entrance to Alexei's study. Well, at least one of them. He has three," I add.


"Yep, one entrance is in the hall, one is here, and the last one connects to his private rooms."

Moving closer to the doors, Isla sniffs then stands back, her nose wrinkled in disgust. "It's warded," she tells me and backs away.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now