Chapter 60 Show

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Amy crossed the Finnish line and her time came up, she'd set a new record by 0.03 of a second. If the last three can't beat her time she's won.
Just then there was a lot of gun fire as the Venues security had located the gunman who was now laying on the ground.
Security were in the shed where Amy was,  her Addrenilin was high then it was like someone pulled out the extension lead and Amy collapsed down on her knees.
Two Security ran to her as did another rider, they were checking her over and one Security officer pulled his hand away seeing Red.
"Miss, you've been shot in your top right-hand shoulder, are you able to continue ".
"Yeah, can you get a bandage to slow the bleeding till the Awards are over please".
"Yes miss, an Ambulance is on the way, you stay with John and I'll inform the Judges what's happening.".
Amy didn't realise that the crew filming were also in the shed.

Lisa and Marion were watch things unfold on screen when when they saw Amy collapse to her knee's holding her right shoulder.
"Omg Marion she's been shot again".
"*Just to update everyone watching, a gun shot rang out as Mrs Fleming Borden Jumped the last fence and Finnished with a new record. However it looks like Mrs Borden was infact shot in her shoulder, there putting a bandage on it but she wants to continue with the Awards  first. The gunman I've been told has been dealt with"*.
"Well at least she's okay Lisa".
"Yeah, she's a tuff cookie isn't she".
"She told me that she's not going to let them win, she has her eye on the Olympics and that's it".
"Two more shows isn't it Marion ".
"Yes, and I think they'll have the last two inside for safety reasons".
"I really hope they put a stop to this Betting Syndicate".
"Do you think we should go over, she can't drive back".
"Good Idea Lisa, You can drive the Rig back can't you".
" Yes, no problem ".
Let's go then, Lou can you watch Lyndy please".
Yeah, you get going and I'll message or phone her to let her know and I'll try to get a hold of Ty".
"Oh thanks Love. We'll see you soon".

The Ambulance arrived and and started to look at Amy's shoulder once they had her in the back of the Ambulance.
"It Just missed your Collar Bone Mrs Fleming Borden ".
"Just call me Amy,  thank you".
"Okay Amy , it went straight through so we can deal with it here  save you going all the way to the Hospital".
"That's good, Just stitches then".
"Yes, I'll clean it up , stitches front and back, and an Antibiotic injection.  Just visit your Doctor in a couple of days".
Just then her phone went off.
"Amy,  you alright sweetheart".
"Yeah, I'm fine. Sore as hell but okay".
"Thank god for that, Listen ,Mum and Lisa are on there way to you so one can drive the Rig back".
"Oh brilliant ,thanks Lou, I'll see you later okay  there Just going to stitch me up".
"Okay Amy, see you soon".

"* Ladies and Gentlemen, can I have your attention please. The Awards will be about 30 minutes later than advertised obviously as Amy Fleming Borden is being seen to in the Ambulance,  as soon as she is ready we will continue with proceedings*".
Being as the Film crews were there and the press , they were having a great day.
Lou managed to get hold of Jack and told him what happened.
"Right Ty, Let's get them in these two corals for tonight then get home".
"It'll only take about 2 hours to get them back to the lower grazing pasture Jack".
"Yeah I'm aware of that, but we need to get back I'm afraid".
"What's up Jack".
"Look Ty, don't panic okay, Amy's fine but Marion and Lisa have shot over to help Amy bring the Trailer back and Shadow as she can't drive it".
"Just spit it out Jack, your actually making me more nervous".
"Okay, the people who've been trying to stop Amy struck again, this time on live TV, Amy's fine Ty but she did get shot in her shoulder just under her Collar Bone , straight through.  She's determined to attend the Award Ceremony and apparently there waiting for her. Marion and Lisa have gone over so Lisa can driver Amy's Truck n Trailer back".
"Then let's get these steers into the Corals and get back".

The meeting wasn't going well, there was a lot of arguing when one of the Betting Syndicate piped up.
"Can I Just say something ".
"Yes Judge please say something constructive".
"Well, I've been looking at this young lady's achievements to date.
She's also been through a lot, her ex boyfriend tried to kill her when she was 18 then again he tried Just after her 19th all because he raped her and got her pregnant,  now she's come back from that and been entering the shows because she wants to go to the Olympics.  After that she's going to be a coach, she has a little girl and recently got married.  What I'd like to put forward is that we leave her alone to Finnish the last two shows then she'll be Finnished from the show Jumping circuit as a participant.
I really feel she's been through enough and she's Just a young woman chasing her dream".
There were about six others who were all high up, one was a Senator in the Government  who agreed with what the Judge said.
"I agree, what's two more shows  she'll be retired after these two and probably off to the Olympics".
But their New leader who no one liked refused to listen to them.
Later the six were talking and wondered if the Car Accident there leader had, which killed him was infact an accident.

To be continued

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