Chapter 9

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Amy followed her Mum towards the barn and inside was a Beautiful Black Gelding,  Marion put a halter on him and took him to the training Ring.
"Amy, I've worked with Shadow here and he is so gentle,  he's a Thoroughbred Jumper and I want you to Join up with him, I know your pregnant and I will be with you".
"Why do you want me to Join up with him ".
"Because he's your's sweetheart,  a present from an anonymous buyer, he can't replace Sundance but you need your own horse and he's a fantastic Show Jumper".
"Really , for me".
"Yes, now come on Join up with him".
Amy went in with her Mum and it only took 10 minutes to Join up.
He was Gentle,  he put his head near her baby bump then lifted it up to her face and gave her a  slobbering kiss.
Amy was smiling, crying and laughing  all at the same time, Ty was watching and smiling along with her.
Marion then took him in and put him in the cross ties giving Amy a brush and Marion had one too.
"You brush that side and I'll do this side".
"Okay, thank you so much Mum, he is gorgeous,  how old is he".
"Scott says 4 yrs old according to the information they found, and we have the ownership papers and Bill of sale".
When they'd finished Marion put him in his stall. Then Amy threw her Arms around her mum thanking her. Ty walked in not realising they were still  in the barn.
Marion felt Amy tense up.
"Oh Ty, I'd like to introduce you to my youngest Daughter Amy properly,  Amy this is Ty and your perfectly safe with him, isn't that right Ty".
"Yes definitely, your perfectly safe  with me Amy, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise ". He then gave her his best smile which Amy noticed ".
"Hello Ty, we'll probably be seeing a lot of each other then".
"I hope so, you have a smile that would brighten anyone's day, I'd better get on with my chores, see you around Amy".
Marion noticed Amy's face light up for the first time in a long while.
"He's quite a handsome young man isn't he Amy".
"Err, suppose so".
Marion smirked to herself at what Amy said, not actually committing herself  but at least she didn't panic and Marion noticed that when Amy tensed up it soon disappeared and she felt comfortable.
"Come on let's go back to the house".

When they got in Marion made Tea for her and Amy and they were sat at the kitchen table when Lou walked in.
"So how did it go Amy"
"Oh Lou he's so Handsome ".
"Are we talking about Shadow or Ty".
Amy went bright red and looked down at her lap, both Lou and Marion burst out Laughing.
"I'm pulling your leg Amy, I know you meant Shadow sweetheart ".
Amy smiled and laughed too.
Marion and Lou looked at each other knowing that the original Amy was slowly coming back.

To be continued

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