Chapter 34

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Group three were Jumping, but the winner of Group 2 didn't come and cool his horse off and was watching them Jump which she thought was a stupid thing to do as his horse come the final would be suffering from the heat and he wouldn't do as well, but better for her and Shadow if there exhausted.
Amy started walking Shadow around the room they were in and noticed she was being watched, and he was writing notes in a little book, the next time she came around he was gone.

Group 3 was Finnished and the winner declared. Now it was the final Group,  Amy was still in the cooling room walking Shadow around slowly so his muscles didn't tense up, it wasn't cold in there ,it was about 16c compared with 32c outside and the winner of Group 3 hadn't come in either. Fools Amy thought to herself,  she looked up Just as she put Shadow into a trot to start moving his muscles as the final was fast approaching and saw the same man who was once again wring in his little book and his watch, Amy was wondering what that was about and made her way across to the front of the room which was open and saw him looking at the winners of groups 2 and 3 standing out in the heat with there horses, again writing in his book and looking at his watch.
Amy was thinking to herself , * Maybe she's the only one whose doing something right, they should be in here cooling-off not letting their horses get heat exhaustion.
Suddenly Group 4 was Finnished and the winners time was nowhere near as good as her times.
"Maybe the three of them will come in during the break the give the group 4 winner a chance to cool down.
There was a twenty minute break so Amy took Shadow to the entrance to get him used to feeling the heat again.
" Hello Miss, sorry to bother you, can I ask you why you've been in the cool area and not stood with the group 2 and 3 winners watching group 4 Jumping?".
"Well they should be in here if they want to stand a chance of winning,  there horses will be suffering from heat exhaustion ".
"Brilliant answer,  and why are you now stood at the entrance?".
"Well I've been moving him around to keep his muscles moving and now we're standing and will be moving to get him used to the heat without actually being in the sun, so I think there's ten minutes left".
"Thank you, another brilliant answer   you obviously know about horses".
"Yes I should do ,my Mother is Marion Fleming the Horse Whisperer and I have the same gift".
"So you must be Amy Fleming ".
"Yes I Am".
"Thank you for your time Amy".
She was watching the other finalists who were still out there, Amy was moving Shadow back and forth moving out towards the heat but staying in the Shadow when the 4 finalists were called,  winner of Group 2 to go first followed by Group 3 then Group 1 and finally Group 4 winner.
The Winner of Group 2 went and his time was worse than when he won but he also had a 4 point penalty.
The winner of Group 3 did better but still had a bad time and no faults.
Both were shaking there heads not understanding what went wrong, then Amy was called and they turned round when they heard Shadow walking towards them from behind, they saw Amy coming out of the cool room and she walked Shadow into the Arena and took him for a small trot around the Jumps till she heard the horn to start.
Amy took Shadow to the front then took off past the timer and he was Just like last time, Amy felt like she was sat on top of a racing car, he took the Jumps with plenty of Room to spare and the short cuts were amazing as if he was flying, Amy took the last Jump and the crowd went wild, Amy had to look at her time Just as the announcer  shouted through the Microphone that Amy had broken and set a new record  for the fastest round at this Event.
Amy looked at her time and had beaten the first two by 10 seconds.
As Amy came out of the Arena she was pleasent and suggested that next time they cool there horses off instead of watching. They finally twigged why she'd been in there and not outside.
Group 4 winner went next and was still 6 seconds short making Amy the winner.

To be continued

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