Chapter 47 . Day 2

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It was Amy's turn and and off she set, Shadow was taking these Jumps like they were as small as the others yesterday, the power in his back legs was phenomenal, as Amy approached the part for her shortcut she saw someone with a flag up, meaning a Jump wasn't sitting correctly but she couldn't back out now as Shadow was committed,  she took the shortcut to a few gasps from the Audience and swung Shadow straight to the Jump, *come on Shadow you can do this boy* she says to him and he shot up using those powerful rear legs clearing it with room to spare for another pole, as she came up to the last Jump she saw they were trying to reset the pole, but to Amy it looked bent, as she came up to it they moved out the way but Shadow took it and the pole didn't move a millicentre  and she beat her rival by 5 seconds.
Amy got down from Shadow and gave him plenty of fuss.
The young man she had to beat came up and shook Amy's hand, and they chatted for some time.
The Awards were later this afternoon about 3pm so she took Shadow back and gave him a shower and food, she tied him up outside and sat in her recliner with a drink and food and just watched him eating the long green fresh grass for about an hour so he could dry off before the Awards ceremony. After she'd eaten she checked her points and saw she'd done it, she had what she needed and the next 3 shows were extra.

The Awards ceremony was like nothing Amy had seen before, Amy won and her rival came second with Just 5 seconds in it, they both got praise for their professionalism, they certainly pulled out the Bells and Whistle's on this one.
By 6pm Amy had had enough,  3 hrs was enough for her anyway. So she headed back to her Trailer and Shadow had probably had enough too.
She put him inside and Locked everything up then went inside and locked the indoor locks to his stable area. Amy fed him and made sure he had fresh water, untacked him and went to make herself something to eat.
Amy phoned Ty to give him the good news and told him she couldn't wait to get home to hug and cuddle the most important 2 people in her life.

About 9pm Amy was ready to call it a night when she heard noises again outside her Trailer,  she flicked the switch which activated the Camera's and the Flood lights the previous owner had fitted but could still hear noises.
The security box noticed as soon as Amy's flood lights came on at this time of night, they also new she won, so something was going on, he radioed through to the teams telling them to get over there.
Amy was in with Shadow when she received a message from security "On our way".
Suddenly the side doors disappeared,  pulled out and off, a big bloke came in and Amy shouted "He's a Gelding you idiot, no use for breeding".
The bloke swore at her as he charged forward with a gun pointed at Shadow but Amy held on to Shadow, "Leave my Horse alone".
The next thing Amy knew she was on the floor seeing stars and felt wet and excruciating pain. Everything was a blur then she heard guns going off and Amy slipped into darkness.

To be continued

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