Chapter 76.

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At the Hospital both Amy and Chelsea had woken up but had concussion,  the doctors also confirmed that neither had been raped.
This confirmed Russell's suspicions of who was responsible and spoke with police. He also spoke to the Olympics committee and they agreed that this was an attempt to knock them out of the competition, they agreed to postpone the last two rounds for another two days to give Amy and Chelsea a chance to recover.
When Ahmed was informed that the final two rounds were postponed he went nuts knowing that what he'd done didn't achieve anything.  He went to the Stables to see his Team and saw Police and Security talking to his Team riders so turned and walked out.
While Amy and Chelsea were in Hospital they took swabs off both of them. These should be back in 2 days. The police heard of some peculiar behaviour from those around Ahmed, so he was Arrested on suspicion.

Amy couldn't believe this had happened again to her, the only blessing was that she didn't get raped. 
"Russell can you phone Ty and the family please , I'll get to emotional and I can't bear to hear there response".
Chelsea asked him the same thing.
Thankfully the concussion was mild so they both hoped they'd be able to Finish the competition.
Ahmed was released but made to hand over his Passport which he didn't really need but always had one with him.
It was the following day when the Police realised there error and found that The Prince had already left Japan on his own Jet.
Due to his Conduct the whole team was banned and told to go home, the DNA test came back positive for Ahmed where he'd kissed them in a few places, so the Olympic Committee and Police put out a warrant of arrest notifying his king and Governing body.

Ty and the Family were shocked at what had happened to Amy and Chelsea,  but they knew she was strong and knew she didn't want to talk about it on the phone, today they were glued to the TV as Amy was competing,  they Just hoped that it didn't affect her performance.
Amy and Chelsea talked to each other in there room and hugged  telling each other that they couldn't let a monster like that take away what the've been working so hard for the last year.

It soon became time for them to show what they were made of and both were determined to get a medal.
Chelsea had spoken to Amy about the shortcuts she took but she told Chelsea that Unless she'd trained to take them Not to try as others had and knocked rails off and this was to important to try something she hadn't done before. They'd spoken about Amy doing coaching and Chelsea wanted to be her first customer as soon as she opened and teach her how to do the shortcuts. Amy felt honoured that Chelsea wanted her to coach her and agreed.
The family were watching the TV and Lyndy got excited as soon as she saw her Mummy on Shadow enter the Arena.
"Look at her and Shadow go Ty, the determination on Amy's face ".
"Here comes the first shortcut Marion".
Amy was keeping an eye on the clock and knew she didn't need to do another,  the speed that Shadow was running between Jumps put her way Ahead of everyone else. It was a fast and Clean round.
The family were cheering and Lyndy was doing a little dance that she'd made up which Ty was recording to send to Amy to cheer her up.
Russell was amazed at how Amy had bounced back.
Now it was Chelsea's turn and Amy gave her a hug and told her to Just clear her mind and concentrate on the Now and the Jumps,"You can do this Chelsea,  go for it"..

To be continued

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